Business activity


GCSE Business Studies Flashcards on Business activity , created by Liv Gran on 18/12/2016.
Liv  Gran
Flashcards by Liv Gran, updated more than 1 year ago
Liv  Gran
Created by Liv Gran about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Need good/ service essential for living
want good/service that people would like to have, but which is not essential for living
economic problem unlimited wants but limited resources- creates scarcity
scarcity lack of sufficient products to satisfy total wants of population
opportunity cost next best item given up by choosing another
factor of production resources needed to produce goods & services - land, labour, capital & enterprise
business an organization that combines factors of production to make goods & services to satisfy peoples was & needs
specialization people and business focus on what they are best at
division of labour production is split into separate tasks and each worker specializes in one task
added value the difference between a products selling price and the cost of bought in materials
primary sector businesses that extract and use natural resources to produce raw materials
secondary sector businesses that manufacture goods using the raw materials given by the primary sector
tertiary sector businesses that provide services to consumers and other firms
private sector businesses owned by people, not the government/ state
public sector businesses owned by the government/ state
privatisation the sale of public sector businesses to the private sector
entrepreneur someone who organizes, operates & takes the risk for a new business venture
business plan objectives & details of of the operations, finance, & owners of a new business
capital employed total value of capital used in a business
internal growth the business expands its existing operations. e.g retailer opening more shops
external growth business expands by merging with or taking over another business
takeover a business buys out the owners of another business
merger owners of businesses agree to join their firms together to form 1 business
horizontal integration business integrates with another in the same industry at the same stage of production- such as 2 fashion shops
vertical integration business integrates with another in the same industry but a different stage of production- towards suppliers is backward vertical integration and towards the market / customer is vertical integration
conglomerate integration ( diversification) business integrates with another but in a different industry- such as insurance company merging with a food processing business
//Types of business organization// //Types of business organization//
sole trader a business owned by 1 person
partnership business is jointly owned by 2 or more people
limited liability Liability of owners/ shareholders is limited to the amount invested. Personal possessions are not at risk
incorporated business business with separate legal identity from its owners, e.g. limited company
Unincorporated business business without separate legal identity from its owners, eg. a sole trader/ partnership
private limited company a business owned by shareholders but cannot sell shares to the public
public limited company business owned by shareholders but it can sell shares to the public and its shares are tradable on the stock exchange
shareholders owners of a limited company
dividends payments made to shareholders from the profits ( after tax) of a company
franchise a business that uses, under license, brand name, logo, and trading methods of an existing business. The franchisor sell the franchise to the franchisee
joint venture 2 or more businesses start a new project together sharing capital, risks, and profit
Public corporation A business, in the public sector, that is owned and controlled by the state
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