King john


history (king john) Flashcards on King john, created by robertoratti on 07/04/2014.
Flashcards by robertoratti, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robertoratti over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
year that king John became king 1199
Who killed aurthur and in which year John and in 1203
what happens in 1207 john falls out with the pope
the pope bans all church services in which year 1208
what happens in 1209 king john is excommunicated, so, king john takes church land and money
which year does john try to win back land in France but lose and short of money makes the barons pay more 1214
which year did john sign the magna carta 1215
1216 john dies
the church can choose what bishops and archbihops
what should a barons son should inherit his fathers land after doing what paying 100 pounds
a king can't raise taxes unless who agree barons and bishops
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