17 History-Anschluss


Flashcards by melgallagher, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by melgallagher over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why did Hitler want a union with Austria? Hitler was born in Austria and felt Germany and Austria should be united. Austrians were German speaking people (one of Hitler's main aim's was to unite all German speaking people).
What happened in 1938 which resulted in Anschluss? There were plots against the Austrian chancellor, Schuschnigg, by Nazi's in Austria. Hitler pressurised Schuschnigg to appoint Seyss-Inquart as head of the police force. Many roits broke out which were encouraged by Hitler. Schuschnigg called for a Plebiscite to who should rule Austria. This worried Hitler so he sent troops to the border ready to invade. Schuschnigg hoped for help from BR and FR but nothing came. Schuschnigg was forced to resign to avoid bloodshed. Seyss-Inquart replaced him as chancellor. He invited German soldiers to "restore order" and power was handed to Hitler.
What percentage of Austrians were in favour of the Nazi takeover? 99% agreed with Anschluss
What did Britain and France do? They protested but did nothing. Many in Britain and France felt the union was "natural"and that a stronger Germany would be a good defence against the USSR.
What was the significance of Anschluss? Hitler was victorious again, adding to his confidence and self belief. He broke one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler had united more German speaking people.
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