Created by Ben C
almost 10 years ago
Copied by Shakil Ahmed
about 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
What does the ideal Nazi woman look like? | -Natural appearance (long hair tied back, no make-up). -Wore traditional clothes. -Fair haired and blue eyed. -Sturdily built. |
What would the ideal Nazi woman do? | -Not drink or smoke. -Marry and have children. -Believe in the Nazi ideas of Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church). -Would not go to university. -Would stay at home rather than go to work. |
What was the policy for women on family? | -Women should get married. -The Law for Encouragement of Marriage, 1933, lent money to couple if the wife left work. |
Was this policy a success? | The number of marriages did increase, but it's not clear if this was due to Nazi policy. |
What is another Nazi women policy on family? | -Women should have at least 4 children. -For each child, 1/4 of loan repayments let off. -German Women's Enterprise gave women medals for having children (bronze - 4, silver - 6, gold - 8). -GWE also ran classes and radio programmes on household topics. |
Was this policy a success? | -GWE had six million members. -Implies women welcomed Nazi policies. -Birth rate increased. -May have been due to the improving economy. -Few women had more than two children. |
What was the Nazi policy on women in employment? | -Women should not work, especially those who were married. -Many professional women LOST their jobs. |
Was this policy a success? | -1933-36, number of employed women fell. -Rose again because workforce shortarge during the war. -Employers preferred women to men because their wages were 2/3 that of men. |
Name 6 aims of Nazi Education. | -To prepare girls to be good wives and mothers. -To create loyal Nazis. -To glorify Germany and the Nazi Party. -To turn boys into strong soldiers who would fight for Germany. -To teach Nazi beliefs about race. -To put across key Nazi ideals. |
How did the Nazis control schools? | -Children had to attend state school until aged 14. -Separate schools for boys and girls. -Optional schools at 14: --National Political Educational Institutes. --Adolf Hitler Schools. -All schools followed a set curriculum which was different for boys and girls. |
How did the Nazis control teachers? | -Compulsory for teachers to be Nazi Party members. -Those who didn't teach Nazi ideas were sacked. -Teachers' camps taught them how to use Nazi ideas in their teaching. -Nearly all teachers joined the Nazi Teachers' Association. |
How did the Nazis control subjects? | -15% of time dedicated to PE. --This ensured a healthy and strong population. -Girls were taught domestic skills, while boys were taught science and military skills. -Both sexes taught traditional subjects: German, History, Geography and Maths. -New subjects: Race studies and Eugenics (selective breeding) were taught to both sexes. |
How did the Nazis control propaganda? | -All lessons began and ended with the Hitler salute. -From 1935, all textbooks had to be approved by the Nazi Party. -Traditional subjects were rewritten to glorify Germany, including great German writers and History. -Racial ideas and anti-semitism were embedded within subjects. |
What was the Hitler Youth Law? | -Made in 1936. -Law made it difficult not to join a youth group. -From 1939, joining one was compulsory. |
Name 3 uses of youth movements. | -They ensured that Nazi control of children when they weren't at school. -All other youth groups were closed down. -Like schools, they concentrated on creating loyal Nazis and preparing children for their future roles. |
Name 5 problems with youth movements. | -Not all young people joined. -Some children found the activites boring. -Groups altered family life because they took up time at weekends and evenings. -Some parents didn't like them because they taught about allegiance to Hitler and they encouraged children to spy. -Conscription meant there was a shortage of adult leaders. |
Who oversaw the Nazi youth movements? | Balder von Shirach. |
What were the 4 main Nazi youth movements and for what ages were they open? | -Young German Folk (boys aged 10-14). -Young Girls (girls aged 14-18). -Hitler Youth (boys aged 14-18). -League of German Maidens (girls aged 14-18). |
What was the military role of Nazi youth movements in 1940? | They became involved in helping the war effort. |
What was the military role of Nazi youth movements in 1943? | -Hitler Youth had become a military reserve. -Members as young as 12 joined the army. |
What was the name of the two German economic plans? | -Four Year Plan. -The New Plan. |
Who ran the Four Year Plan? | Hermann Göring. |
Describe the Four Year Plan. | -Whole economy was geared towards rearmament and preparing for war. -Plan cost millions but wasn't a success at making Germany less dependent on foreign imports (autarky). |
Who was used as a labour force for the Four Year Plan? | Prisoners in labour and concentration camps. |
What did the Four Year Plan do in terms of jobs and the army? | -Created more jobs in manufacturing army goods. -Incrased the army from 100,000 men in 1933 to 1,400,000 in 1939. |
Who was the New Plan run by? | Dr Hjalmar Schacht, Minister of the Economy. |
Describe the New Plan. | -Aimed to reduce unemployment and make Germany self-sufficient. -Successfully limited imports. -Made trade agreements with other countries for vital supplies in return for German goods. -Plan successfully increased trade and production (more jobs). |
When and why did Schacht lose his job? | -Lost his job in 1937. -Lost it due to a disagreement about rearmament. |
What was the German labor service called? | Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD). |
Who started the RAD and what did it do? | -Started by the Weimar government. -From July 1935, compulsory for all men aged 18-25 to serve 6 months on this scheme. -Work on Job Creation Schemes and other public works such as draining marshes. |
What was the opinion on the RAD and why? | -Many people hated it. -The pay was low, the hours long and the work boring. |
Name 4 examples of Job Creation Schemes. | -Built 7000km of autobahns (motorways). -Constructed public buildings. -Construction for the 1936 Olympics. -Subsidized private firms like car manufacturers. |
What was invisible unemployment? | The groups of people who were missed out of the government employment figures. This included: -Jews being forced out of jobs. -Women being dismissed from jobs. -Unmarried men under 25 doing RAD. -Opponents of the regime sent to concentration camps. |
What was the name of the German Labour Front and what did they do? | -Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF). -They replace trade unions. -Workers had to be members. -They ran serveral schemes. |
Name 3 schemes that the DAF ran. | -Strength through Joy (KdF). -Beauty of Labour (SdA). -The Volkswagen. |
What is the German for Strength through Joy? | Kraft durch Freude. |
What did Strength Through Joy do? | -Aimed to increase productivity by making workers happy. -It provided low-cost or free activities for hard workers. |
What is the German for Beauty of Labour? | Schönheit der Arbeit. |
What did Beauty of Labour do? | -Aimed to improve conditions by: --Reducing noise in workplaces. --Providing canteens. --Building swimming pools. |
Why was Schönheit der Arbeit so unpopular? | Workers had to help construct these facilities in their spare time. |
What was the Volkswagen scheme and what was the pay? | -Workers paid 5 marks a week towards buying a car. -No cars bought by 1939. -Money went towards rearmament. -NOT refunded to workers. |
Who were better off due to these new changes? | -More jobs, most men in work. -Average weekly wages rose form 86 marks (1932) to 109 marks (1939). -Beauty of Labour - better conditions. -Strength through Joy - better leisure activites for workers. |
Who were worse off due to these new changes? | -Few rights - trade unions abolished. -Cost of living rose, which cancelled out wage increase. -Average working hours increased from 43 hours per week (1933) to 47 (1939(. -Few workers could afford the best activities and holidays provided by KdF. |
What was the impact for women due to these new changes? | -Some wanted to work. -Others were happy to stay at home and have children. |
What was the impact for farmers due to these new changes? | -Benefited from rising food prices. -Some had help from the Labour Service. -Others lost workers to the army and factories. |
What was the impact for businesses due to these new changes? | -Some benefited from closure of Jewish businesses. -Large businesses had EXTRA opportunities due to rearmament and subsidies. -Some used force labour from concentration camps. -No trade unions problems. |
Name 4 ways in which there were changes in discrimination and persecution towards minority groups from 1933-39. | -Concentration camps. -Nuremberg Laws. -The Shop Boycott. -Kristallnacht. |
When were the Nuremburg Laws passed? | 1935. |
What did the Nuremberg Laws do? | -Denied Jews the basic right of German citizenship. -Reich Citizenship Law made Jews 'subjects' rather than citizens. -Jews lost right to vote. |
What did the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour do? | It banned marriages between Jews and Aryans and forbade any sexual relations outside marriage. |
When was the Shop Boycott? | 1933. |
What happened in the Shop Boycott? | -SA organised a one-day boycott of Jewish shops, lawyers and doctors. -Some property damage. -Jews working in government jobs were sacked. -Jewish actors and musicians were banned from public performance. |
When was Kristallnacht? | 9-10th November 1938. |
What triggered Kristallnacht? | -The murder of Ernst von Rath. -He was killed by a Polish Jew. |
What happened on Kristallnacht? | -Over 815 shops were destroyed. -191 synagogues set on fire. -76 synagogues demolished. -91 Jews killed. -Over 20,000 arrested. |
What did the press make of Kristallnacht and what was the opinion of the Germans? | -Many Germans watched in HORROR and concern. -Nazi-controlled press presented it as ordinary Germans turning against the Jews. |
What did Göring do? | He required Jews to pay the cost of the damage of Kristallnacht. |
Name 4 minority groups. | -Mentally ill. -Gypsies. -Black people. -Vagrants. |
What were the Nazi views on the mentally ill and what did they do to them? | -Nazis convinced that mental illness was HEREDITARY and could not be cured. -Sterilized the mentally ill. -1945 - nearly 300,000 sterilized. -After outbreak of WW2, Nazi actions became more severe. -Set up the 'Public Ambulance Service Ltd' to kill mentally ill. -By 1945, 70,000 murdered. |
What were the Nazi views on Gypsies and what did they do to them? | -Threat as they were Non-Aryan and thought to be work-shy. -30,000 in Germany. -Nazis determined to prevent them mixing with Aryans. |
What happened in 1935 and 1938 that affected Gypsies? | -1935 - marriages between Gypsies and Aryans were banned. -1938 - a decree for the 'Struggle against Gypsy Plague' was issued. Gypsies were forced to register. |
What were the Nazi views on black people and what did they do to them? | -Seen as Untermenschen. -Nuremberg Laws of 1935 banned marriage between black people and Aryans. -Nazi treated black people like Gypsies. -Sterilized any children who were born to German women by black soldiers, who were stationed in the Rhineland after WW1. |
What were the Nazi views on vagrants and what did they do to them? | -Vagrants included: beggars, men moving from town to town trying to find work and young people who had left home. -Nazis forced these groups to work. -In 1938. SS rounded up 100,000 vagrants and placed them in concentration camps. |
What was the Nazi Racial Hierarchy? | -Aryans ('The Master Race'). -Other White Western Europeans. -Eastern Europeans. -Black people and gypsies. -Jews. |
Name 5 ways which indicated the escalation of persecution during war years to 1945. | -Death camps. -Wansee Conference. -Use of ghettoes. -Einstazgruppen. -The 'Final Solution'. |
What happened in death camps? | -On arrival, Jews divided into two groups. -Fit ones put to work. -Others sent to gas chambers. -Those puts to work not better off; worked to death in labour camps. -Older women, mothers with small children, pregnant women and children under were usually taken away and killed. |
When was the Wannsee Conference? | Summer of 1941. |
What happened at the Wannsee Conference? | -Nazi senior officials seeked a permanent end to the Jewish problem. -Wanted to exterminate them in death camps. -Signed by Göring but seemed to be the idea of Himmler. |
When were the Einstazgruppen used? | In June 1941 when Germany invaded Russia. |
What did the Einstatzgruppen do? | -They were murder squads. -Moved into Russia behind advancing German armies. -Their purpose: to round up and kill Jews. -They raided villages, rounded up Jews, made them dig their own graves then they shot the Jews. |
What was the 'Final Solution'? | The code name for the MASS EXTERMINATION of ALL Jews in Europe. |
What was the first solution? | The use of ghettos. |
How did the ghettos work? | -Nazis gathered Jews into ghettos in towns. -Walls built to keep them in. -Largest ghetto in Warsaw. -Prisoners only allowed starvation rations in ghettos. |
How did people die in ghettos and how many died in the Warsaw ghetto? | -From hunger, the intense cold or typhus. -About 55,000 died in Warsaw. |
Give 5 reasons why Jews were persecuted. | -Associated with communism. -Jealous of success - many Jews were professionals or owned businesses. -Used as scapegoats for Germany's problems. -Suspicious of a different religion. -Blamed for Germany's defeat in WW1 and ToV (some of the November Criminals were Jewish). |
The following flashcards are a timeline of the escalation of Jew treatment from 1933 to 1945. | The following flashcards are a timeline of the escalation of Jew treatment from 1933 to 1945. |
1933 | -Boycott of Jewish Shops by SA for one-day. -Jews sacked from jobs such as civil servants and lawyers. -Jewish actors and musicians banned from public performance. |
1934 | Local councils banned Jews from public places such as parks and swimming baths. |
1935 | -Nuremberg Laws introduced. -Denied Jews German citizenship (lost right to vote). -Banned from marrying Aryans. -Forbidden to join the army. |
1936 | Jews were banned from other professions such as vets, dentists, accountants, teachers and nurses. |
1937 | More Jewish businesses were 'Aryanized' - taken over by Aryans. |
1938 (from April) | -Jews had to register their property. -Jewish doctors, dentistsm and lawyers forbidden to treat or work for Aryans. -Passports of Jews stamped with 'J'. |
1938 (from November) | -Kristallnacht. -SA started a 3 day campaign to destroy Jewish shops, homes and synagogues. -Jewish children were excluded from German schools. -20,000 Jews arrested. -91 killed. -Jews were barred from owning or managing businesses. |
1939 | -Jews no longer allowed to run shops or businesses. -First ghettos were opened for Jews in German-occupied Poland. |
June 1941. | -Germany invaded Russia. -Einstatzgruppen units follow German army, rounding up Jews, marching them to places where they were forced to dig a huge grave, then shot. |
Summer 1941 | -Nazi leaders decide on 'Final Solution'. -This meant all Jews were to be murdered in German-occupied countries. |
September 1941 | All Jews in the German Reich were ordered to wear the yellow star of David. |
January 1942 | -Wannsee Conference. -Nazis agreed upon 'Final Solution'. -Extermination of all Jews in Europe. |
1942-1945 | Millions of Jews were killed in extermination camps such as Auschwitz. |
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