Pharsal Verbs


TOEFL Inglês Flashcards on Pharsal Verbs, created by Fagner Ferreira on 27/12/2016.
Fagner Ferreira
Flashcards by Fagner Ferreira, updated more than 1 year ago
Fagner Ferreira
Created by Fagner Ferreira about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I can probably do without my computer when I enjoy holidays Do without – to manage to live without Viver sem alguma coisa I can´t do without my family. We only have one family.
Call back Please call me back! Until 18.00 you will reach me on my cell phone, after that on the landline. Call back = retornar a ligação
Many people freak out when they are hurt. Freak out - React with a extreme angre
Go on, you are going fine. Go on - / Go ahead (Continuar)
Please look after my sister, she is cold. I will look after your daugther until you come back. Look after - Take care of Cuidar de alguém, ou algo
I fell like eating a piece of pizza. Fell like - Have a desire to do something
Everyone are about to run. I was about to test, but it was called off. Be ready or prepared to do something Estar pronto ou prepadado para fazer alguma coisa
Never give up your dreams Give up - Stop doing somenthing; quit
Please, don´t fall apart my clock, it was my mothers. Fall apart - Break into pieces
We need to select the old thing and throw away Throw away = Throw out Discard
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