Loftus and Palmer


Evie Horne
Flashcards by Evie Horne, updated more than 1 year ago
Evie Horne
Created by Evie Horne about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In experiment 1, how many participants were there? 45 pps
What did she do in experiment 1? Divided the people into 5 groups of 9 people to watch 7 short films. The films were 5-30 seconds long and they were of car accidents sourced from the police. She then gave them a questionnaire of the accidents they had just seen, which included a critical question
What was the critical question? and what did she change for each group? It was "about how fast were the cars going with they hit each other?" For every group she replaced the word hit with either: "hit", "smashed", "collided", "bumped" or "contacted"
What was the mean finding for the word "smashed"? 40.8 Mph
What was the mean finding for the word "collided"? 39.3
what was the mean finding for the word "bumped"? 38.1
what was the mean finding for the word "hit"? 34.0
What was the mean finding for the word "contacted"? 31.8
What was the overall finding from these results? People are not good at estimating the speed of vehicles.
What did she conclude from these results? The form of a question can affect a witness's answer to that question.
What was the explanation she gave for this conclusion? a persons schema of each word affects the estimated speed when uncertain (response bias) The verb changes peoples memory.
How many people were included in experiment 2? 150 people
What were the procedures of experiment 2? Divided them into 3 groups of 50, and showed them a film of a multiple crash, wth no broken glass. Then gave them a questionnaire
What did she ask the different groups? 1 group - How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other? another group - How fast were they going when they hit each other and the control group she didn't ask about the speed.
What happened a week later? She asked them to fill out a further 10 questions, including the question "did you see any broken glass?"
What was the mean speed for "smashed"? 10.5Mph
What was the mean speed for "hit"? 8 Mph
What were the results for the broken glass question? smashed: Yes, 16 No, 34 Hit: Yes, 7 No, 43 Control: 6 No, 44
What was the overall finding of these results? The faster pps had estimated the car was travelling, the more likely they were to say "yes" to the critical question.
What did they conclude from this? The way the question is asked can enormously influence the answer given Leading questions can actually alter the memory a person has of an event, rather than just speed. 2 kinds of information are integrated to create a memory, the original perception of the event and the external information supplied.
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