Language Games


Religous Language Flashcards on Language Games , created by Zoe Bone on 09/01/2017.
Zoe Bone
Flashcards by Zoe Bone, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe Bone
Created by Zoe Bone about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who conceived the idea of Language Games? Ludwig Wittgenstein
What observations led him to this thoery? just like in games such as cricket, language operates according to rules. Just as cricketers understand the leg before the wicket rule, religious people understand the language of religion
What is the theory of language games? there are many language games, each with their own rules & participants of the games understand these e.g. mass to catholic means something different to a physicist
Wittgenstein refers to "Forms of Life" what does this mean? we learn to use different languages because we are born into a culture so we learn a shared practical life together.
How does he describe language? as shared
What does he say is the job of philosophy? not to unravel metaphysical mysteries but to understand the use of language in different forms of life
How does he view religious language? It is meaningful. We can understand the claim that "God is love" by looking at how it is used within the religious form of life. However it would be meaningless to make this claim within another language game
What can be said about the nature of language games? they are true to language as we can engage in the meaningful nature of religious/ethical claims they are true to religious life as for believers religion is not a philosophical enquiry but a shared community
What does Language Games allow for? Talk about God, as we can say you can create a God language game, where finite words can be used to describe God
What does Language Games promote? understanding of other people, linked to cultural relativity
What can be said about the logic behind Language Games? the logic is circular. Words takes meaning from the game and the game gets meaning from words in which it is constructed
WHat can be said about the universalisability of this ? dialogue is impossible as words do not have a universal meaning
What can this theory lead to? Fideism? the belief tht faith is more important than reason, beliefs cannot be subjected to rational analysis
What can be said about what this thoery promotes? although should promote understanding, it would be impossible to understand every form of life and culture. The theory does not account for the complexity of human Forms of Life
What can be said about the 'shared' aspect of this theory? eventually we could end up having individual language games? If we sub-group and sub-group the games, it could result in language games no longer being shared.
What could be said about the subjectivity of this thoery? maybe it is too subjective? Are there any objective truths? IS it rejecting a priori logic?
What can be said about the relativity of this theory? can lead to absolute relativism: there could be a Form of Life that believes there are pixies and because of Language Games this form of life is meaningful, so realistically is anything meaningful?
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