Verbos irregulares C1


C1 Inglés Flashcards on Verbos irregulares C1, created by Andrea LP on 09/01/2017.
Andrea LP
Flashcards by Andrea LP, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea LP
Created by Andrea LP about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Surgir arise, arose, arisen
Soportar bear, bore, borne
Atar, encuadernar bind, bound, bound
Estallar burst, burst, burst
Lanzar cast, cast, cast
Aferrarse cling, clung, clung
Mover lentamente, reptar creep, crept, crept
Huir flee, fled, fled
Arrojar fling, flung, flung
Prohibir forbid, forbade, forbidden
Predecir, pronosticar forecast, forecast, forecast
Arrodillarse kneel, knelt, knelt
Poner lay, laid, laid
Inclinarse lean, leant, leant
Saltar Leap, leapt, leapt
Prestar lend, lent, lent
Tumbarse lie, lay, lain
Iluminarse, encender light, lit, lit
Segar mow, mowed, mown
Buscar Seek, sought, sought
Poner, colocar, fijar set, set, set
Coser sew, sewed, sewn
Agitar shake, shook, shaken
Quitarse / Derramar shed, shed, shed
Encogerse shrink, shrank, shrunk
Sembrar sow, sowed, sown
Girar spin, spun, spun/span
Escupir spit, spat, spat
Partirse, compartir split, split, split
Estropear spoil, spoilt, spoilt
Saltar, brotar spring, sprang, sprung
Pegar, aferrarse stick, stuck, stuck
Picar, escocer sting, stung, stung
Apestar stink, stank, stunk
Golpear, hacer huelga strike, struck, struck
Esforzarse strive, strove, striven
Barrer sweep, swept, swept
Hincharse, aumentar swell, swelled, swollen
Desgarrar, rasgar tear, tore, torn
Empujar thrust, thrust, thrust
Pisar tread, trod, trodden
Despertar wake, woke, woken
Tejer weave, wove, woken
Llorar weep, wept, wept
Enrollar wind, wound, wound
Retorcer wring, wrung, wrung
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