The world of technology - the future simple


11º ano Inglês Flashcards on The world of technology - the future simple, created by Sara Cristina Garizo Tavares [330] on 09/01/2017.
Sara Cristina Garizo Tavares [330]
Flashcards by Sara Cristina Garizo Tavares [330], updated more than 1 year ago
Sara Cristina Garizo Tavares [330]
Created by Sara Cristina Garizo Tavares [330] about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What will the families look like in 50 years? How will families communicate to each other?
What kind of friendly relationships will people develop? What will a classroom look like?
What kind of learning will we have in 50 years? What will cars be like in 50 years?
How will people move from place to place in 50 years?
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