
Flashcards by ellienewitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellienewitt over 10 years ago

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BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS FOR FEMALES COMMITTING CRIME drives things like PMT that happens to women but women are less likely to commit crimes- less violent/aggressive
women and the home- explanations for female crime less likely to be involved in crime, women will willingly go into marrage and the domesticated role associated with it. - compare the nuclear family to a prision in which women are trapped in both situations - less likely to be involved in crimes bevasue they tend to be at home, caring and nuturing for their children, also being domestic
social control of women in public- explanations for females committing crime women are socialised to not use violence- its not 'lady ike' if they're aggressive and violent, therefore they tend to stay in character and not commit/offend
opportunities to commit crime- explanations for women offending women have a limited chance to commit crime, as they are tied up with cleaning- being dk=omestic and caring for the children.
why are statistics used to measure crime? -visual, easy to read - easy to compare graphs -discovering trends - easier to see if police are being efficient - shows where police should use recourses - gives the public information on crime patterns - reveals police stereotypes and assumptions
sources of crime statistics police recods victim surveys (BRITISH CRIME SURVEY) self-report studies court and prision records
why is most crime committed by young people? -15-18 year olds -young males are more likely to commit than females - peer pressure/showing off/ subcultures/ bordem - unaware of restrictions - police stereotypes on youth as criminals - young people; lack money, thrill seeking, excitement, 'nothing to lose'; no place in society, status frustration, no career, no family of their own etc..
what is meant by a victimisation survey? a survey which asks about the public's experiences as victims of crimes
what critisisms have been made of the police statisitics on crime? - not a count on the total numbers of crimes - there will be crimes which are not reported to the police and others which are reported yet not recorded
what is meant by the 'dark figure of crime?' an unrecorded number of crimes
what is the main method used by BCS (british crime survey) questionnaires or/and face to face interviews
what types of people are not included in the BCS sample? students in halls, prisioners, meners of residential care homes, members of the armed forces, children
what does CAIP stand for? and what does it mean? computer assisted personal interviewing, means; each interviewer carries a laptop to record responses
what is meant by a booster sample? ensures that non-white minority ethnic groups are fully represented
quantitative data- NUMBERS structured interviews, statistics, closed questionnaires, crime statistics- police recorded crimes, victim surveys- British Crime Survey, self report studies; put yourself forward to discuss your crime experiences, court and prision records
crime survey for england and wales measures the extent of crime in england and wales, carried out every year, records crime that might not have been reported to the police and is therefore used alongside the police records on crime figures to show a more accurate picture of the levels if crime in the country
crime survey for england and wales 1. what is it? 2. why is it used? 1. it is a victimised survey. it measures the amount of crime in e & w by asking whether or not you or your household has experienced any crime in the last year. 2. to measure crime against people that may go unreported e.g. minor theft are not recorded by the police.
1. sampling for the crime survey 2. why is it useful? 1. not everyone can take part as it takes too long- your address is randomly selected from the royal mail lst- 50,000 households get selected. 2. to try and fid a trend or a pattern within crimes
reasons for not reporting crimes 1. burglary; not locked the house; asking for it, cannot claim on the insurance then, might not catch them, embarrassment. 2. vandalism- not seen as a majorly important crime, there a lot of vandalism that goes unreported ad becuase its unreported people tend to do it more as they know they can get away with it.
reasons for not reporting crimes 1. thefts from vehicals- reported to other authorities, deal with it themselves. 2. other hosuehold thefts- innconvinient to report it
crime survey for ENGLAND AND WALES ADVANTAGES- can see what crimes are most popular, contains crimes that are unreported, its anonymous- people might open up more, updated every year- up to date, covers the population as a whole
crime survey for ENGLAND AND WALES DISADVANTAGES- very time consuming, sample is random- not representative, exculdes some people, some people might not answer it.
PATTERNS OF OFFENDING most crime- is in urban areas, against property, by young people
limitations of official crime statistics - are unreliable, and inadequate as sources about the nature and extent of crimes - they show an unrepresentative sample of officially classified criminials that happen to have got caught, validity of results is unreliable, proble of representativness
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