Psychological Explanations of One Eating Disorder


Eating Disorders
Flashcards by freycameron, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by freycameron over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Grabe & Hyde (2006) AO1 -Meta-analysis of 98 studies -Difference between African-American and Caucasian and Hispanic females -African-American reported significantly less body dissatisfaction than other two groups
:) Becker et al (2002) AO2 -In societies where TV has been recently introduced, girls stated a desire to lose weight to become more like Western TV characters
:( Yamamiya et al (2005) AO2 -Instructional intervention prior to media exposure of idealised female images prevents the adverse effects of exposure
:) Roberts et al AO2 -The stereotypical view that white populations have a higher incidence of AN than black populations appears to be true in older adolescents
:( Cachelin & Regan (2006) AO2 -No significant differences in prevalence of disordered eating between African-American and white Caucasian ppts
:) Lunde et al (2006) AO2 -Positive correlation in 10 year olds between their BMI and teasing for both boys and girls
:( Shroff & Thompson (2006) AO2 -No correlation among friends on measures of disordered eating in an adolescent sample.
Strober et al (2006) AO1-Personality -Retrospectively evaluated personality traits in teenage boys & girls receiving treatment for AN -High levels of perfectionism in 73% of girls and 50% of boys
:) Halmi et al (2000) AO2 -Investigated the relationship between perfectionism and anorexia in 322 women -Those with a history of AN scored significantly higher on a perfectionism scale when compared to a control group -Furthermore, the extent of perfectionism was directly related to the severity of AN. -Perfectionism is a genetic trait :(
:( However... AO2 -It is hard to separate lasting personality traits from short-lived states that may be caused by starvation -Perfectionism may therefore be the result of AN, not the cause
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