

History Flashcards on Crusades, created by Alice Dunkley on 07/05/2013.
Alice Dunkley
Flashcards by Alice Dunkley, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Dunkley
Created by Alice Dunkley almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why was the First Crusade successful? The first crusade was successful because after great difficulty the Christians attacked the Muslims and captured Jerusalem in 1099
Why is the people's Crusade not shown on the map? The People's crusade was not shown on the map and numbered like other crusades because it was not an official military operation with knights and trained soldiers.
Who did the People's Crusade mainly consist of? peasants and poor people who could not afford equipment.
How did the Crusades assist the rise of Italian Merchants? Because the Crusaders travelled through Italy and opened new trade routes.
If the people's from the People's Crusade were not killed, what would happen to them? they were taken into slavery
Who was Peter the Hermit? He was a preacher advocating the First Crusade. He also led a section of the People's crusade
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