
Containing mostly definitions relating to informal logic.
Nerdy McNerdpants
Flashcards by Nerdy McNerdpants, updated more than 1 year ago
Nerdy McNerdpants
Created by Nerdy McNerdpants about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ARGUMENT A set of premises and a conclusion where the former are intended to support the latter
LEXICAL AMBIGUITY Introduced by an ambigious word e.g. "we passed the port at midnight" or "the rabbi married my sister"
SYNTACTIC AMBIGUITY Introduced by structure of language
INDEXICALS Different sentences that mean the same thing
DEMONSTRATIVES Using words that "point" at something
PROPOSITION The meaning of a declarative sentence
HARD QUANTIFIERS Quantifies over everything, e.g. "every"
SOFT QUANTIFIERS Quantifies over less, e.g. "a"
DEDUCTIVE VALIDITY The truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion
SOUNDNESS An argument has soundness if it is valid with true premise(s) - and therefore a true conclusion
INDUCTIVE FORCE The extent to which premises give us reason to believe in the truth of the conclusion
RHETORICAL PLOYS Appealing mostly to emotion rather than reason
CONDITIONAL DEGREE OF RATIONAL EXPECTATION The extent to which we are justified in believing something given the truth of the premises
INDUCTIVE SOUNDNESS An argument is inductively sound if it is inductively forceful and has true premises.
FALLACY A rhetorical device which has the structure of an argument but is either formally invalid or substantively deficient.
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