Data Types


GCSE IT (Manipulating Data) Flashcards on Data Types, created by Dean Whittle on 10/04/2014.
Dean Whittle
Flashcards by Dean Whittle, updated more than 1 year ago
Dean Whittle
Created by Dean Whittle over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Text / Alphanumeric Data types are used where data is text, numbers or a mixture of both
Integer a whole number, for example: 1245
Real number A number that has a decimal point, for example: 17.123
Currency real number data type which contains an optional currency symbol.
Date / Time Data type that can be set up to display a Date, a Time or a Date and Time
Boolean or Logical data used where only two states for the data are possible, such as True / False.
Limited Choice data is selected from a drop down box
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