Flash Cards


GCSE GCSE ICT Flashcards on Flash Cards, created by Lauren Vardy on 07/05/2013.
Lauren Vardy
Flashcards by Lauren Vardy, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Vardy
Created by Lauren Vardy almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. The process usually involves a computer asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to grade These tests are designed to be easy for a computer to generate, but difficult for a computer to solve, so that if a correct solution is received, it can be presumed to have been entered by a human. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen, and such tests are commonly used to prevent unwanted internet bots from accessing websites.
Do not search on the internet for too long as it can cause problems such as stress and information overload. It can also cause physical problems such as eye and back strain. Dont always believe what you read on the internet because information could be biased, exaggerated or simply untrue. Always try to check the information by using another source. Work on the internet may be copyright, shown by the symbol (C). You must not reproduce copyright protected work without the permission of whoever owns the copyright. Dont copy someone elses work and try and pass it off as your own. This is know an plagiarism. Although it is not illegal it is forbidden by exam boards.
IMAP4: •Internet message access protocol 4. Allows users to get the email into their inbox or phone straight away without having to login. The emails stay on the IPS server from which they are accessed. POP3: •Post office protocol version 3. It requires users to access their emails by logging onto their email account. Emails can be downloaded to their computer and are removed from the Ips server.
Changes to the Landscape:Mobile phones Beginning in the late 1940s, the technology that would later be used in today’s cell phones was created and the idea of a mobile phone was introduced. This technology was first used in mobile rigs which were mainly used in taxis, police cars and other emergency vehicles and situations. Truckers also used a form of this technology to communicate with each other. The first mobile phones were introduced to the public market in 1983 by the Motorola Company. The first generation phones were the size of a large briefcase and were very inconvenient. In the 1990’s the second generation was introduced that used digital technology. The third generation is what most people currently use today. Plans for the fourth generation have been put into place. Crime:Mobile Phones Some people use mobile phones to bully and threaten other people…this is called cyber bullying. They can harass people by sending them nasty text messages or just simply keep ringing them. You shouldn’t text or ring people you don’t know because you are putting yourself in danger. People get their phones stolen all the time and the information on the phone can be used in the wrong ways. People use mobile phones to communicate when they are going to commit a crime such as harming someone, drug dealing. Talking on a mobile phone whilst driving is also a crime because your full attention isn’t on the road and other cars.
Invasion of Privacy: If a mobile phone gets stolen or lost then all the information that is on the phone can be accessed by anyone. People save phone numbers, addresses, pictures, E-mail addresses and other pieces of information about their friends and family. A lot of people say that they would rather lose their wallet instead of losing their mobile phone. Most people don’t back up the information from their device and when the mobile gets stolen or lost it may take a while to restore all of the information. It should take two or less hours to restore a mobile phone but in some cases it can take a day or more. If a mobile phone does get stolen or lost, you can block it so that nobody can use the phone and access the information. Communicating with Others: There are many different ways to communicate with others by using a mobile phone. You can send a text messages or make a phone call. Recent phones mostly have the internet; this is another way of communicating with others. Mobiles can be very good when it comes to socialising and making plans with friends and family but when you are at school or work they can be very distracting. When mobiles first came out they were simple and only made calls and texts. Nowadays mobile phones have everything you need such as… Facebook,Twitter,Windows Messenger,E-mails,Blackberry messenger,Internet
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