

Bàsicament paraules qe són verbs i en diferents formes
Toni Roy
Flashcards by Toni Roy, updated more than 1 year ago
Toni Roy
Created by Toni Roy about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to be ser
I am - I'm You are - you're He is - he's She is - she's It is - it's Jo soc - estic Tu ets - estàs ell és - està
we are - we're you are - you're they are -they're Nosaltres som . estem Vosaltres sou - esteu Ells són - estan
I think Jo penso
to go anar
open obra
spell lletrejar
to call dir
to like agradar
I think penso
put posa
hide amaga
listen escolta
write escriu
to check comprovar
to clean netejar
to come venir
to cook cuinar
to dance ballar
to do / to make fer
to drive cunduir
to eat menjar
to get aconseguir
to go anar
to have tenir
to listen escoltar
to look mirar
to need necessitar
to play jugar
to put posar
to read llegir
to ride muntar / passejar
to run córrer
to say dir
to shop comprar
to sit seure
to sleep dormir
to speak parlar
to stand mantenir-se
to study estudiar
to swim nedar
to take agafar
to talk parlar
to travel viatjar
to walk caminar / passejar
to watch mirar
to wear vestir
to work treballar
to write escriure
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