

Year 10 science (Physics) Flashcards on Electromagnetism, created by Aoife Warren on 02/02/2017.
Aoife Warren
Flashcards by Aoife Warren, updated more than 1 year ago
Aoife Warren
Created by Aoife Warren about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electromagnetism The Metals which can have magnetic properties are: *Iron *steel - permanent magnet *cobalt *nickel Fleming's Right-Hand grip rule
Making Electromagnets you need: *Iron Core *Coil of wire *Electricity How to increase the strength of an electromagnets: -Increase the current -Increase the amount of Fe -Increase the number of coils The Motor Effect A force can act on a wire in a magnetic field when a current is passed through the wire. The size of the force can be increased by: -Increasing the current -Using a stronger magnetic Size of the force depends on its angle: -Great force = when the wire is PERPENDICULAR to the field lines. -Zero force = when the wire is PARALLEL to the field lines
Left Hand Rule Magnetic Flux Density -A measure of the STRENGTH of the magnetic field. -Magnetic Flux = the amount of field lines passing through a surface -Density = how compact something is.
Force (N) = Magnetic flux density (Tesla) X current (Amps) X length (m) F = BIL The symbols: Force = F Magnetic flux density = B Current = I Length = L
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