7.1 & 7.2 Flashcards Industrial Revolution


Musab Anzar
Flashcards by Musab Anzar, updated more than 1 year ago
Musab Anzar
Created by Musab Anzar about 8 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution is the name given the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacture.
What was the time span of the Industrial Revolution? It started sometime around 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.
What laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution? Important scientific discoveries in the 18th century laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution.
What was three important invention/discoveries during the Industrial Revolution? The spinning jenny, electricity and the steam engine.
When was electricity discovered? 1752 CE
When was the spinning jenny invented? 1764
When was the steam engine invented? 1776
When was the colony of New Plymouth founded? 1620
What is mass production? Mass production is the manufacture of large quantities of standardized products, frequently utilizing assembly line technology
What is rural-urban migration? Rural-urban migration is the movement of people from the countryside to the city.
What does this cause? This causes two things to happen: 1. Urban growth - towns and cities are expanding, covering a greater area of land. 2. Urbanisation - an increasing proportion of people living in towns and cities.
What were tenements? They were a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of flats. They were used commonly in the Industrial Revolution.
What was hewing? Chopping or cutting with an axe or pick.
What was the penal colony? a settlement established for the purposes of housing prisoners.
What was the Long Boom? The period of economic prosperity in Australia in the late 1800s
What was the economic depression? a period of sustained and severe economic downturn
Where was the first English colony in North America established? Jamestown, Virgina
When was the first English colony in North America established? 1607
When did the first free settlers to Australia arrive? 16 January 1793
What was the name of the ship they arrived on? Bellona
What was blackbirding? The practice of kidnapping Pacific Islanders and using them as forced labour, in particular on sugar and cotton plantations in Australia.
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