

Year 10 science (Physics) Flashcards on Electicty , created by Aoife Warren on 03/02/2017.
Aoife Warren
Flashcards by Aoife Warren, updated more than 1 year ago
Aoife Warren
Created by Aoife Warren about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electricity Key words: Charge: a property of matter. It is either positive or negative. Electrons all have a negative charge. Electron: s negatively charged particle. Coulombs: the unit for charge flow. 1C = 6.2X10 electrons Current: a flow of charge around a circuit. It is measured in amperes also called amps. charge flow is the amount of current per second
Bulb - Glows when a circuit is complete Voltmeter - Measures the voltage produced by a power supply Ammeter - Measures the flow of electrons in a circuit, which is known as current Resistor - It slows down the flow of electrons in a circuit Variable resistor - It slows down the flow of electrons in a circuit. The resistance can be changed.
Name - Unit - Symbol Charge - Coulomb (C) - Q Current - Amp (A) - I Time - Second (s) - t Equation: Q = It Potential Difference: (also called P.D. and can also be called voltage) is the energy which is transferred to component. It's the little bit of 'word done' by each coulomb of charge that goes through it.
Imagine that an electron can be either full of energy, or have no energy. When they have lots of energy they can give lots of energy they can give the energy to a component. When they have no energy they can't. Name - Unit - Symbol Potential difference - Volts (V) - V Energy transferred - Joules (J) - E charge - Coulombs (C) - Q Current - Amps (A) - I Resistance - Ohms ( ) - R
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