Plants, Animals and Fungi


IGCSE Biology Paper 1B Flashcards on Plants, Animals and Fungi, created by lingox on 15/04/2014.
Flashcards by lingox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lingox over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Living organisms can be grouped together by the features they share in common. Three main groups are: Plants, Animals, Fungi
Plants. Are: Multicellular, have chloroplasts, can photosynthesise, Have cellulose cell walls, store carbohydrates as sucrose or starch. Herbaceous legumes like tomatoes
Animals. Are: Multicellular, DON'T have chloroplasts, so DON'T photosynthesise. No cell wall around the membrane. Have a Nervous Control System to adapt to surrounding. Move around. Store carbohydrates as glycogen.
Fungi. Some are single celled, others have a body called mycelium, made of Hypae (thread like structures), Hypae contain lots of nuclei. Cell walls are made of chitin. Fungi use saprotrophic nutrition: this uses extracellular enzymes to break down food, so it can then be absorbed. They can store carbohydrate as glycogen.
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