
Lydia Schmidt
Flashcards by Lydia Schmidt, updated more than 1 year ago
Lydia Schmidt
Created by Lydia Schmidt over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
Define Public Relations! Public Relations is a management function that evaluates public attitudes and identifies policies and procedures of an organisation with the public and executes a program of action & communication to earn public understanding and acceptance
What are Marketing Public Relations functions for? - Building marketplace excitement before the media advertising breaks - improving ROI - Creating advertising news where there is no product news - introducing a product with little or no advertising
How does PR as a planned process look like? - Pre-Planning -> determine and evaluate public attitudes - planning -> identify policies and procedures of an individual or organisation with a public interest - Implementation: Develop and execute an action program, designed to bring about public understanding and acceptance
How can public relations audiences be determined? 1. Internal and associated - Shareholders and investors - employees of the company - customers and clients - community members - suppliers 2. External and independent - Educators - media - government - civic and business organisations - financial groups
What PR tools do you know? - Interviews - Media Release - Media conferences - Exclusives - community involvement - the internet
What are criteria for measuring PR effectiveness? - Ratio of positive to negative articles - number of impressions... -> over time -> on the target audience -> on specific target audiences - percentage of... -> positive articles over time -> negative articles over time
What are the advantages of publicity? - substantial credibility - news value - significant word-of-mouth - perception of endorsement by media
what are the disadvantages of publicity? - timing difficult or impossible to control - inaccuracy, omission or distortion may result; controversy
What is corporate advertising? - an extension of the PR function - does not promote a specific product or service - PROMOTES THE ORGANISATION
What objectives of corporate advertising do you konow? - create a positive image for the firm - communicate the organisation's viewpoint - Boost employee morale - smooth labour relations - help newly deregulated industries - establish diversified company identity
What types of corporate advertising are there? - Image advertising - Event sponsorship - advocacy advertising - cause-related advertising/ marketing
What is Advocacy Advertising? = the propagation of ideas and elucidation of controversial social issues of public importance in a manner that supports the interest of the sponsor
What is cause-related marketing? - is a form of marketing whereby companies link with charities or non-profit organisations as contributing sponsors: --> example: Ben&Jerry's Free cone day for underprivileged children
What are the advantages of corporate advertising? - excellent vehicle for positioning the firm - takes advantage of benefits derived from public relations - reaches a selected target market
What are the disadvantages of corporate Marketing? - may have questionable effectiveness - raises questions of constitutionality and ethics
What are methods to measure corporate advertising effectiveness? - Attitude surveys - studies relating to corporate advertising and share prices - focus group research
Why is corporate advertising controversial? Opponents to CA claim: - consumers aren't interested in this form of advertising - corporate advertising is a waste of money - the firm's finances or image must be in trouble - this is a costly form of corporate self-indulgence
What is Sales Promotion? = A direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, distributors or the ultimate consumer with primary objective of creating an immediate sale
What are typical sales promotion vehicles? Consumer oriented: samples coupons premiums bonus backs price-off deals trade-oriented: cooperative advertising trade shows training programs
What are the reasons for the growth of sales promotion? - changing economic conditions - growing power of retailers - declining brand loyalty - increased promotional sensitivity
What are Nonfranchise-building programs? are designed to: -> accelerate the purchase decision process -> generate and immediate increase in sales
How are Nonfranchise-building promotions limited? - they do not identify unique brand features - do not contribute to brand identity or image
What are examples for nonfranchise-building promotions? - price-off deals - bonus packs - rebates or refunds
what are franchise-building promotions? are sales promotions that: - communicate distinctive brand attributes - develop an reinforce brand identity build long term brand preference
What techniques for franchisebuilding promotions are there? - "Frequency" programs encourage repeat purchase - Sweepstakes and contests to build equity and increase involvement - premium offers that reinforce the brand image and help build equity
What is the difference between nonfranchise and franchise building promotion? Franchise-building promotions contribute to the building of brand identity and image, nonfranchise-building promotions do not!
What negative impact do sales promotions have? - fewer dollars to build brand equity - encourages consumers to purchase on the basis of price - detracts from the value of the brand
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sales promotion? Advantages: - Create Urgency - Maintain Trade Flows Disadvantages: - Miscommunications - Price sensitivity
What are problems with sales promotions? - Marketers too dependant on using Sales Promo to produce short-term or immediate increases in sales - investing in sales promotion at the expense of advertising - brands lose perceived value when they are purchased due to promotional offer
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