Protoctist, Bacteria, Viruses


IGCSE Biology Paper 1B Flashcards on Protoctist, Bacteria, Viruses, created by lingox on 17/04/2014.
Flashcards by lingox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lingox over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Protoctist. A microscopic, single celled organism, can be either animal cell like or have chloroplasts and more plant cell like. Chlorella is a plant like version, an algae. An Amoeba is an animal cell type that live in ponds.
Bacteria. Bacteria are: Microscopic single celled organisms, they don't have a nucleus. They have a circular chromosome of DNA. Some can photosynthesise. Most bacteria feed off of other organisms. Lactobacillus bulgaricus. This bacteria is rod shaped and used in the production of yoghurt, to turn milk sour. Pneumococcus is round shape and causes pneumonia.
Viruses. Viruses are particles, rather than cells. They are smaller than bacteria. They can only reproduce inside living organisms, this makes viruses parasites. They come in all shapes and sizes and infect all living organisms. They do not have a cellular structure. They have a protein coat, covering genetic material, either DNA or RNA.
Organisms as Pathogens. Some organisms are Pathogens, Pathogens are organisms that cause disease. That can include some fungi, Protoctists, bacteria and viruses. Protoctist. Plasmodium is a protoctist that causes malaria. Bacterium. Pneumococcus is a bacteria pathogen that causes pneumonia. Viruses. Influenza virus which causes flu.
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