Nos Besoins Energetiques


A level French (Topics) Flashcards on Nos Besoins Energetiques, created by Kate Spink on 13/02/2017.
Kate Spink
Flashcards by Kate Spink, updated more than 1 year ago
Kate Spink
Created by Kate Spink about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Projet national de replantation des forets National project for replanting forests
Comment stocker les dechets radioactifs How to store radioactive waste
Le charbon s'epuise Coal running out
Manifestation contre les eoliennes Demonstration against wind-turbines
Empreinte carbonique Carbon footprint
Profiter de chauffage central Take advantage of central heating
L'energie solaire Solar power
Le gaz Gas
L'energie eolienne Wind-turbine power
Le mazout Fuel oil
La biomasse Biomass
L'hydroelectricite Hydro-electricity
Energies renouvelables Renewable energy sources
Il faut agir It's necessary that we act
Les Amis de la Terre Friends of the earth (charity group)
Les generateurs photovoltaiques Solar energy generaters
Le nucleaire Nuclear power
Detruire l'environement Destroy the environment
Le dioxyde de charbone C02
On devrait depenser plus d'argent pour... One must give more money to...
Dangers lies au nucleaire Dangers linked with nuclear
La France n'emet que 1.6 tonnes de charbone par habitant France only emits 1.6 tonnes of carbon per habitant
L'Allemagne emet 2.7 tonnes de charbon par habitant Germany emits 2.7 tonnes of carbon per habitant
Une tonne de charbon produisant autant d'energie qu'un gramme d'uranium A tonne of carbon produces as much energy as a gram of uranium.
La catastrophe de Tchernobyl The Tchernobyl disastre
Il y avait 200,000 deces lies a Tchernobyl. There were 200,000 deaths linked to Tchernobyl
Le reacteur nucleaire est la machine la plus complexe, la plus dangereuse et la plus chere. The nuclear reacter is the most complicated, dangerous and expensive machine ever.
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