Created by Kate Spink
about 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Projet national de replantation des forets | National project for replanting forests |
Comment stocker les dechets radioactifs | How to store radioactive waste |
Le charbon s'epuise | Coal running out |
Manifestation contre les eoliennes | Demonstration against wind-turbines |
Empreinte carbonique | Carbon footprint |
Profiter de chauffage central | Take advantage of central heating |
L'energie solaire | Solar power |
Le gaz | Gas |
L'energie eolienne | Wind-turbine power |
Le mazout | Fuel oil |
La biomasse | Biomass |
L'hydroelectricite | Hydro-electricity |
Energies renouvelables | Renewable energy sources |
Il faut agir | It's necessary that we act |
Les Amis de la Terre | Friends of the earth (charity group) |
Les generateurs photovoltaiques | Solar energy generaters |
Le nucleaire | Nuclear power |
Detruire l'environement | Destroy the environment |
Le dioxyde de charbone | C02 |
On devrait depenser plus d'argent pour... | One must give more money to... |
Dangers lies au nucleaire | Dangers linked with nuclear |
La France n'emet que 1.6 tonnes de charbone par habitant | France only emits 1.6 tonnes of carbon per habitant |
L'Allemagne emet 2.7 tonnes de charbon par habitant | Germany emits 2.7 tonnes of carbon per habitant |
Une tonne de charbon produisant autant d'energie qu'un gramme d'uranium | A tonne of carbon produces as much energy as a gram of uranium. |
La catastrophe de Tchernobyl | The Tchernobyl disastre |
Il y avait 200,000 deces lies a Tchernobyl. | There were 200,000 deaths linked to Tchernobyl |
Le reacteur nucleaire est la machine la plus complexe, la plus dangereuse et la plus chere. | The nuclear reacter is the most complicated, dangerous and expensive machine ever. |
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