Created by Fionnghuala Malone
almost 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Agenda | Topic/subject of conversation |
Archaisms (Archaic Language) | Old fashioned words that are no longer used |
Backchannelling | Feedback offered by one or more listeners to main speaker |
Backtracking | Interruption of the sequence of an utterance to include information that should have been included earlier |
Blend | Bits of words chopped off and then joined to form a new word - chillax |
Borrowing | Taking words from other languages |
Clipping | Chopping off parts of a word or expression |
Colloquial Speech | Natural everyday speech - language spoken as opposed to actually written |
Compounding | Combining two existing words to form a single word - laptop |
Contractions | Two words joined together by omitting a letter or letters and inserting an apostrophe |
Convergence | Language used by the speaker moves closer to the other speaker- adapted speech |
Deixis | Pointing words that directly relate to the situation |
Dialects | Language varieties where grammar and vocabulary identify the regional and social background |
Dialogue | Conversation between two or more people |
Direct speech | Speech using the speakers original words |
Indirect speech | Reports what someone said- he said "..." |
Discourse | Spoken or written language that is longer than a sentence |
Discourse marker | Utterance which moves the conversation on to another topic |
Divergence | Language used by a person moves away from that used by another |
Ellipses ... | Indicates an unfinished utterance or something that has been omitted |
Ellipsis | Missing out a word, often a noun or pronoun |
Ellision | Missing letters off the start of words OR Running/slurring words/sounds together |
Embedded Dialogue | Reported conversation contained with an utterance |
False start (Self-Correction/Repair) | Correcting oneself due to either hesitation or thinking time |
Figuarative language | Makes use of a metaphor or simile to create a particular impression or mood |
Fillers | Words that have little expression/meaning. Normally used to 'fill' conversation |
Genderlect | Refers to variety of language which is characteristic of men or women |
Head | Repetition of the subject at the start of a sentence but in a different form |
Hedging | Padding added to bald statements, often intentionally to soften a request or statement |
Hesitations | Indicated by pauses, repetition, reformulated phrases |
Idiolect | Language system acquired by individuals as a result of their personal characteristics, belief, social upbringing |
Idiom | Figure of speech, usually not meant literally |
Initial position conjunction | Conjunctions used at the start of a sentence |
Intensifiers | Usually adverbs or adverbials that intensify meaning and are used to create force and emotion |
Intonation | Sound of someones speech- pace, pitch, tone |
Jargon | Words/expressions specific to particular subjects often precise and complex |
Latch-Ons (Overlaps) | Indicate that someone is talking over another person's utterance |
Leixis | Words/vocab in language |
Micropause | Pause of less than a second - (.) |
Minimal response | Brief responses such as 'yeah' 'mmm' |
Mitigation | Softened commands, being polite. -Would you mind...? |
Modifier | Adjectives or adverbs qualifying the sense of nouns or verbs respectivley |
Non standard grammar (English) | Wrong verbal tense, double negatives |
Open Question | Question with many possible responses - What is your favourite colour? |
Closed Question | Question with set responses - Do you like ham? Yes/No? |
Overlapping | When one speaker starts before the previous speaker has finished |
Paralinguistic Features | Oral signals - laughs, shrugs, sighs |
Pauses | Indicate indecision, uncertainty |
Phatic Talk | Made up of formulaic utterances with stock responses |
Phonology | Sound of speech including itonation |
Pragmatics | Way of explaining language use in context |
Register & Tone | Describe the lexis and formality at work in someones speech or writing |
Self monitoring | Devices used by speakers to involve their audience and to check they are listening |
Interrogative | A question |
Declarative | A statement |
Imperative | Command/ Request/warning |
Exclamation | Abrupt/empathic or excited utterance |
Slang | Informal spoken language which is normally group specific |
Sociolects | Language varieties that reflect social background |
Syntax | order of words in a sentence- |
Taboo language | Language considered forbidden - swearing |
Tag | Clause tagged on the end of an utterance |
Tag questions | familiar questions normally added to a declarative |
Tail | Similar to tag but doesn't include a verb |
Three part exchange | Utterances linked in a obvious or clear way usually rallied between two speakers |
Timed pause | Pause always timed in seconds (1) (0.5) |
Topic loop | Utterance which returns the conversation to a earlier topic |
Topic shift | Focus of a communication moving from one topic to another |
Transcription | Printed version of a conversation |
Utterances | Complete unit of talk, bounded by the speakers silence |
Vague language | Imprecise or wooly |
Verbose | When someone uses more words than needed |
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