The Terror (1792 - 1795)


A-Level History Flashcards on The Terror (1792 - 1795), created by Carl Grevel on 19/02/2017.
Carl Grevel
Flashcards by Carl Grevel, updated more than 1 year ago
Carl Grevel
Created by Carl Grevel about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The National Convention The government under the CPS and Robespierre, during the terror. From 1972 to 1975. Also, the revolutionary wars begin during this time period.
The Republican Calendar Started Year 1 on 22 September 1792. There were 10 days in a week.
Jacobin/Montagnards Supported republican government, war and enlightened reform. Had s strong support base in Paris, and favoured centralization. Supported by the Sans Culotte. They were radical and wanted Louis put on trial and executed.
Girondins Support in the provinces, and believed in decentralisation. Not popular with the sans-culottes, and believed in the free market. Were hesitant on action against the king.
Dominant Jacobins Robespierre, Danton and Marat
Prominent Girondin Brissot and Roland
The Wars against Europe were going on, but what was this causing at home: Growing Inflation, the outbreak of sporadic peasant rioting: the Chouan Rebellion (rebellion of peasants against religious reform and wartime levies)
The Fate of the King 1. Robespierre and the Jacobins were in favour of the Kings' execution. However, the Jirondin were afraid that this would provoke civil war. Also, the flight to Verennnes was proof of his anti-french sentiment. (June 1791)
The Fate of the King 2. November 1792, the armoire de fer was found, proving his anti-revolutionary activities. 693 members of the Convention voted that the King was guilty. 361 for death, and 286 for detention and banishment or solitary.
The Fate of the King 3. The Execution took place on 21 January 1793. He was taken to the 'Place de la Revolution'. It was an overall joyous occasion.
A spot of WAR in 1793 War continued on grounds of conquests and assets. By March 1793, they were fighting against the First Coalition (92-97). It didn't go well, they were driven out of the Austrian Netherlands and British, Austrian and Spanish troops all mounted attacks into France
The rising in the Vendee A continued Chouan uprisings. It started against the 'levy of 300,000 men' It was catholic and conservative. Inflation + raised rents on purchased church land. It forced the Convention to send 30,000 men from the front lines. Only really dealt with by December '93.
Robespierre and Wartime Control 1793: Representants-en-mission sent to the departements. Also, a revolutionary tribunal was established to try enemies of the revolution Committee of Public Safety set up
Fall of the Girondin Sans-culottes became militant, enrages threatened violence. Marat incited violence on hoarders. After a demonstration in May, Robespierre won a vote on price controls. The convention was besieged by peasants and the national guards, forcing the Girondin to give in and leave. 29 Girondin deputies were expelled.
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