Biology - enzyme B2 22:31pm


Biology Unit 2 Flashcards on Biology - enzyme B2 22:31pm, created by Salwa Id on 19/02/2017.
Salwa Id
Flashcards by Salwa Id, updated more than 1 year ago
Salwa Id
Created by Salwa Id about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are enzymes made out of? Enzymes are proteins which are made from amino acids.
How is a protein made? When amino acids come to a ribosome, the ribosomes join the amino acids together. This is called a protein.
How are different proteins made? Amino acids join together into a chain. They are joined into a different order to make different proteins.
What are the characteristics of a protein? Proteins fold into specific shapes and they can attach to other molecules depending on their shapes.
Why are enzymes called proteins? Enzymes make reactions go faster so we call them proteins.
What is the bit which enzymes attach to Enzymes attach to other molecules which are called the substrate.
What does the enzyme do? The enzyme breaks down the substrate and releases the product.
What happens to the enzyme at high temperatures? At high tempretaures the shape of the enxzyme changes so the substrate can no longer fit to the enzyme
What do we say if the enzyme stops working? The enzyme stops working. We say the enzyme has been denatured.
Why can't we use say the enzyme has been killed. Remember, the enzyme is not a living organism the enzyme is a protein molecule and you cant kill a molecule. When we heat an enzyme we are changing its shape we can say it has been destroyed or DENATURED.
What happens to the enzyme at different at PHs? Every enzyme works best at a specific PH. At different PHs the enzyme stop working as the shape is changed
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