4 tips for working with Trello


Ciclo Basico Inglês (Reading) Flashcards on 4 tips for working with Trello, created by Valter Barros on 22/02/2017.
Valter  Barros
Flashcards by Valter Barros, updated more than 1 year ago
Valter  Barros
Created by Valter Barros almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cheesy And there are no cheesy pricing schemes **De mal gosto, Cafona, Brega.
Stacks Some people call these columns “lists” or “swimlanes.” I call them “stacks.” *Pilha
Overlapping Most complex projects are not linear. They have overlapping components.
Annoying But not fixing it means annoying a lot of people. *Causing irritation or displeasure
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