Evangelism, Chapter 3 - the Great Omissons


Evangelism, Chapter 3 - the Great Omissions
Julie Gholston
Flashcards by Julie Gholston, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Created by Julie Gholston about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When quoting the Great Commission, most believers emphasize the mission component of going into the world and preaching the gospel
Believers are empowered to fulfill the Great Commission in the same manner Jesus Christ was empowered to fulfill His mission
Which three truths outline the spiritual state of humanity? All humanity is lost, facing eternal consequences, with Jesus Christ as the only hope
Spiritual tolerance, as called for by secular society, is a denial of the exclusive nature of Christ's salvation
When Jesus spoke of going away, the disciples were most concerned about how they could fulfill the Great Commission and His other commands
When describing the Holy Spirit, Jesus emphasized the permanence and intimate nature of the Spirit's presence in the believer's life
Jesus' instructions to the disciples concerning the Holy Spirit were to wait in Jerusalem to be filled with the Spirit before embarking on the Great Commission
The power the believer experiences through the Spirit is intended to empower the believer to live consistently for God and fulfill His purposes
The call to be filled with the Spirit is expressed in such a way as to imply that continually being filled with the Holy Spirit is essential to spiritual effectiveness
What conjunction points to the fuller context of the Great Commision "Therefore" implies the previous info, that all authority and heaven and earth has been given to Jesus
What three truths outline the spiritual state of humanity? All humanity is lost eternal consequences Jesus is the only way to salvation
How does society's view of sin contrast with the Bible's view of sin Society removes God and sees sin as a response to external stimuli & genetics - Bible sees sin is a personal violation of divinely established universal code of conduct
What is the nature of the eternal consequences of being lost? The lost will perish (or, suffer the torments of divine judgment forever.) Perish does not mean an end to existence.
How does the contemporary call for tolerance contradict the gospel? Contemporary tolerance is not a call to treat others with respect as much as it is a call to treat all claims to truth as valid. The Bible says Jesus is the only way of salvation - this is truth.
What fears preoccupied the disciples' minds during Jesus' final days before his crucifixion? How would they carry out the great commission. They didn't understand that the Holy Spirit would could in Jesus place and impart power enabling them.
What two things did Jesus emphasize about the Holy Spirit's relationship to believers? The permanence and the intimate nature
If Jesus' final statement to the disciples are correctly understood, why is the Spirit's empowerment not merely an option for believers? Jesus commanded the disciples to wait for the Spirit's empowerment. It is stated as clearly as every other imperative of the Great commission.
What is the nature of the power the Holy Spirit brings to a believers life? Empowerment to perform miracles, but also to live consistently in all areas of Christian life
Why are all believers called to be continually filled with the Spirit? The Spirit's empowerment is limitless, but it is steadily invested in the believer's life in response to a continual seeking on the believer's part.
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