Created by ablackwood
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
_________ is part of the ministry of the church. | Administration |
By the nature of the calling, the minister is responsible for administering the _____ and _____ of ministry. | philosophy; plan |
The plan of ministry deals with the _____ of ministry. | strategy |
_____ means "to organize, to plot to guide and to direct." | Administration |
The minister _____ the church as it moves into the future. | guides and directs |
The vision for ministry creates an _____, a _____, and _____ for ministry. | objective; purpose; benefits |
Yje purpose of vision is to provide a church with a ministry _____ and a means to measure ministry _____. | focus; effectiveness |
The Old Testament passage, _____, explains the necessity of a vision for a church. | Proverbs 29:18 |
Ministers are _____, which mean they see where the church needs to be going and they outline steps to help the church reach the destination. | visionaries |
A vision for ministry starts from the scriptural understanding - an unfolding _____. | future possibility |
Give five principles that should be used in writing a mission statement for ministry: __________ | evangelism; edification; equipping; encouraging; and excellence |
Making a ministry vision a reality includes three administrative functions: (1) _____, (2) _____, (3) _____ | selecting personnel; identifying ministry plans; establishing a budget for the ministry plan |
The church is an _____ that builds the body of Christ. | organization |
Paul gives an illustrative description of the church as a body of many parts in ________. | 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 |
Organization is coming to a balance of ________. | spirit and form |
The objective behind organization is that it gives the church _____ for the vision to be carried out. | structure |
It is important for the church to know its own _____ style. | distinctive |
In order to successfully build the body of Christ, the church must be _____. | need-oriented; job-described; and distinctive in style |
Churches must be aware of the _____ of the people who live in its surrounding community. | needs |
_____ is a spiritual discipline. | Giving |
Basic teachings concerning tithes and offerings are found in _____. | Malachi 3:7-10 |
Helping people see the Kingdom _____ are key factors for motivating people to involve themselves in ministry. | purpose and benefits |
Four core ministry positions in a church are _____________. | eldership; teachers; musicians; and auxiliary workers |
The _____ should be composed of individuals who are gifts in administration and in different types of ministry. | eldership |
Christ's teachings or actions illustrate how a minister can be a ________. | people person |
Christ recognized people at their point of ________. | need |
Christ related to people in spite of _____. | tradition |
Caring provides people a sense of belonging to something _____. | significant and purposeful |
Caring keeps people as the _____ of ministry. | priority |
Caring churches are _____ to all people. | open |
_____ should be the central thrust of the local church. | Evangelism |
The sending church is _____. | lay-empowered |
A _____ church does not become a _____ church. | sending; satisfied |
Special services, like _____, should be evangelistic services. | Easter and Christmas |
_____ to share their faith emphasizes evangelism. | Training people |
One of the most effective means of evangelism is _____. | relational |
_____ is expected of an evangelist. | Preaching the Word |
An evangelist should _____ on what God is doing in the local church. | focus |
An evangelist should help the church _____. | move forward |
The character of a church is derived from its _____. | evangelistic message |
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