Biodiversity and Environment


Questions on biodiversity and the environment (B2 WJEC)
Deleted user
Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Seren Jones
Created by Seren Jones about 9 years ago
Ashley Lewis
Copied by Ashley Lewis almost 8 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a quadrat? What is it used for? A square frame used to measure the biodiversity in an area
What is a transect? What is it used for? A set of samples taken down a line to measure the change in populations along a gradient
If you are carrying out sampling of an environment, what kind of things must you consider? It must be typical of the whole area It must not affect the results (some animals may be scared away by humans) The quadrats must be placed randomly to avoid bias
What is capture / recapture? The method used to estimate the population of a species.
What is biodiversity? The variety of different species in a given area
Why is biodiversity important? The more species in an area, the more stable the ecosystem is. It also provides potential foods, industrial materials and new medicines.
Name 4 ways we can protect biodiversity and endangered species Sites of Specific Interest (SSI's) CITE's Seed banks Captive breeding programmes National parks Fishing quotas
What is an alien species? A species that is not native to a certain country or region but has been introduced
What is a biological control agent? A living organism used to control the population of a pest species
How has the approach to biological control changed over the years? What is now done before biological controls are released Large scale field trials are now used because scientists are aware that the biological control can turn into a pest itself which is then difficult to control, such as the Japanese knotweed.
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