Command Words [Kata Perintah]


You need to pay attention the the command words used in exam questions. The command word gives you information about what type of answer you need to write. Here are some flash cards to help you remember what type of answer they are looking for...
Wawan Putra
Flashcards by Wawan Putra, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mr  Mckinlay
Created by Mr Mckinlay over 10 years ago
Wawan Putra
Copied by Wawan Putra almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
List Daftarkan Your answer should be a list - the number of items you need to list depends on the number of marks available.
State Nyatakan Your answer should be a simple sentence – the number of items you need to state/identify/give/name depends on the number of marks available
Identify Identifikasikan Your answer should be a simple sentence – the number of items you need to state/identify/give/name depends on the number of marks available
Give Berikan Your answer should be a simple sentence – the number of items you need to state/identify/give/name depends on the number of marks available
Name Sebutkan our answer should be a simple sentence – the number of items you need to name depends on the number of marks available
Describe Gambarkan In your answer you should include details
Explain Jelaskan In your answer you should make a point and then expand on each point (by giving examples or reasons) to make sure you are explaining the point.
Discuss Diskusikan You should compare different points of view, giving evidence to back up the points you make; you should reach a conclusion about the topic you have been discussing. Remember to think about spelling, punctuation and grammar.
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