Created by tweety_rcj12
almost 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Angry | Enfadado(a) |
Anxious | Ansioso(a) |
Ashamed | avergonzado(a) |
Bored | Aburrido(a) |
Busy | Ocupado(a) |
comfortable | comodo(a) |
Confused | Confundido(a) |
Delighted | encantado(a) |
Depressed | deprimido(a) |
Desperate | deseperado(a) |
Excited | emocionado(a) |
Frustrated | Frustrado(a) |
Frightened | Asustado(a) |
Furious | Furioso(a) |
Happy | alegre/feliz |
Hurt | Dolido(a) |
In love | Enamorado(a) |
Insecure | Inseguro(a) |
Jealous | Celoso(a) |
Nervious | Nervioso(a) |
Overwhelmed | Agobiado(a) |
Pleased | Contento(a) |
Proud | Orgulloso(a) |
Relaxed | Relajado(a) |
Relieved | Aliviado(a) |
Restless | Inquieto(a) |
Sad | Triste |
Satisfied | Satisfecho(a) |
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