Explanations for Failures and Successes of Dieting


AQA 2916
Joanne North
Flashcards by Joanne North, updated more than 1 year ago
Joanne North
Created by Joanne North over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
What is dieting? A reduction of food intake in an attempt to lose weight.
What does the theory of hedonic eating suggest? That restrained eaters' problem with maintain begins with the fact that they are more sensitive to the hedonic (pleasure) properties of food.
What does the hedonic theory suggest about an increase sensitivity? The perception of attractive food triggers restrained eaters with the desire to eat because of its perceived pleasurable qualities. Therefore any conflicting goals (maintenance of the diet) will be inhibited.
What do researchers say about eating enjoyment and eating goal? They are incompatible as increased eating enjoyment inhibits food goals.
What is the attention allocation theory for failures of dieting? 1. Exposure to attractive food. 2. Triggers hedonic thoughts. 3. Selective attention to these food items. 4. Inhibition of thoughts of dieting. 5. Find it difficult to withdraw their attention from food and resist the temptation to eat.
What is the relevant evaluation point for hedonic eating? I- Support for the claim that restrained eaters are more likely to focus on the pleasurable aspects of food comes from physiological reactions to the perceptions of food. J- The presence of even the smell of palatable food induces more salivation in restrained eaters than in unrestrained eaters. E- This suggests a difference between the reaction of restrained and unrestrained eaters in food perception.
What is the role of denial? Cognitive psychologists have shown that attempting to suppress or deny a thought has the opposite effect and makes it more prominent.
What is the research into the role of denial? Participants were either asked to think about a white bear or not and ring the bell every time they thought about it. Those who were told not to think about the white bear rang the bell more often. Researchers referred to this as the phenomenon as it represents a paradoxical effect of thought control.
What is the theory of ironic processes of mental control? Main focus of a diet is the decision not to eat a certain food or too eat less. Attempts to suppress thoughts of food increases the thought. As soon as the food is denied it becomes more attractive.
What is the relevant evaluation for ironic processes of mental control? I-Researchers have provided experimental support for this theory. J-Researchers found that restrained eaters wo tend to overeat to suppress thoughts about food are more often to think about food afterwards. E-This shows research to support ironic processes of mental control.
What is the key to a successful diet? Instead of thinking not another salad, you focus on the detail of the meal e.g. tomato or apple to prevent boredom.
What is the research supporting focusing on the detail of the meal? The jelly bean experiment. Found those who where told the flavour of the jelly bean were less likely to get bored than those just told it was jelly bean 7.
Briefly state the other possible evaluation points? Concerns about the ineffectiveness and damaging effects of diet programmes has aimed to replace diets with conventional healthy eating. It is likely that a number of genetic mechanisms exert an influence on weight, suggesting that success or failure of dieting may be determined by other factors than lifestyle.
Explain in more detail: 'Concerns about the ineffectiveness and damaging effects of diet programmes has aimed to replace diets with conventional healthy eating.' J- The emphasis on these programmes is regulation of body hunger and satiety signals and the prevention of inappropriate attitudes to food. A meta-analysis shoes that on these plans both eating behaviour and psychological well-being and stability improved. E- This suggests that eating only when hungry and stopping when satiated is more likely to be successful than restricting diets.
Explain in more detail: 'It is likely that a number of genetic mechanisms exert an influence on weight, suggesting that success or failure of dieting may be determined by other factors than lifestyle.' J- Lipoprotein lipase helps fat cells to store calories as fat. If too much LPL is produced that body will be efficient at storing fat making it easier for people to gain weight. E- This suggests that some people will struggle to lose weight because of their genetics regardless of their intentions.
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