529 Language Learning Session Guide


Use these flashcards to help you help track of your 9 recitals throughout your recital session.
Cynnamon Stelly
Flashcards by Cynnamon Stelly, updated more than 1 year ago
Cynnamon Stelly
Created by Cynnamon Stelly about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
My 529 Language Learning Method Session Guide (APPRENDRE) Use these cards to help you stay on track throughout your session. Flip each card to know your process within the recital session.
A Recital 1 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
P Recital 2 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
P Recital 3 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
R Recital 4 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
E Recital 5 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
N Recital 6 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
D Recital 7 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
R Recital 8 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
E Recital 9 of 9 (Say your 5 sentences)
My 529 Language Learning Method Session Guide (APPRENDRE) That's It! You've just completed a recital session!
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