Latin Vocab Chapter 11


No long letters this time because he doesn't include them on the exam.
Amanda Stone
Flashcards by Amanda Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Stone
Created by Amanda Stone almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum arrive at, come to
appropinquo, -are, -avi, -atus approach, come near to
cur why
dea, -ae (f.) goddess
Ecce! Behold! Look!
fortasse perhaps
longe far off, a long distance
nosco, noscere, novi, notum know, get to know
Roma, -ae (f.) Rome
Romanus, -a, -um Roman
saccus, -i (m.) wallet, sack, bag, pocketbook
salio, salire, salii/salui, saltum leap, jump
sic thus, in this way; yes
subito suddenly
tam so, so much (as)
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum lift, raise
valde very, a lot
verbum, -i (n.) word
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