The Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctly Visual physical techniques


Flashcards on The Shoe Horn Sonata Distinctly Visual physical techniques, created by Philip Barker on 10/03/2017.
Philip Barker
Flashcards by Philip Barker, updated more than 1 year ago
Philip Barker
Created by Philip Barker almost 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Monologue A long speech given by a single character
Dialogue A conversation between two characters
Setting The physical location that the play is taking place. Is the set really empty or really cluttered?
Lighting Different lighting creates different moods. Is the whole stage lit up or just specific parts?
Body Language The way the characters act is all deliberate. Are they standing close to each other? Far away? Are they doing anything distinct?
Photos Misto has used photos to bring the 'real' element to the play. He is showing us the truth that he based this fiction on. What photos are he showing?
Combination of Images, Music, Sound and Dialogue Putting all of these techniques together creates a cluttered, tense image. We are having a barrage on the senses!
Rick Rick controls the direction that the play takes. He leads the women by asking them questions they otherwise wouldn't want to answer.
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