History jeopary


Flashcards on History jeopary, created by mary1327 on 02/05/2014.
Flashcards by mary1327, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mary1327 over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
a spirit; a doll that represents a spirit what is a kachina
ceremony to display and give away wealth what is a potlatch
an item that honors one's ancestors what is a totem pole
a food grown by many Native Americans what is maize
an act of bravery among Plains braves what is a counting coup
The ancestors of today's Native Americans probably came from what is East Asia
a land bridge connected Asia and North America until about what is 8000 BC
one of the most important crops native to the Western Hemisphere was what is corn
The "apartment house" dwellings of the ancient Southwest were built by what were the ancestors of the Pueblos
Native American groups in the Southeast built large ceremonial mounds
The cultural area that contributed such Native-American words as chipmunk, hickory, moose, and raccoon to the English language was the what were the Eastern Woodlands
The buffalo was a mainstay of the Native Americans of the What were the Plains
California Native Americans were known best for making especially fine what were baskets
Northwest Coast peoples made what were totem poles
Native Americans of the Northwest Coast competed by giving away property
where was Powhatan from What is Jamestown
Where was Anne Hutchinson from Where is Rhode Island
Where was William Penn from What is Pennsylvania
Where was James Oglethorpe from? What is Georgia
Where was Thomas Hooker from What is Connecticut
About how many years before Columbus's voyage did the Vikings explore a part of North America? what is 500 years
The first Portuguese explorer to sail around Africa to India who was Vasco da Gama
In 1492, Columbus wanted to reach Asia by sailing East
The main reason that the Dutch settled in North America was to gain what is trade
The first man to explore North America for the English was who was John Cabot
Plymouth Colony was organized by Who were the Separatists?
The first American colony to guarantee all its people religious freedom was What is Rhode Island
The first European settlers in the Middle Colonies were the who were the Dutch
The English colony settled at first mainly by debtors was what is Georgia
North Carolina and South Carolina were founded as one colony
allowing all citizens the right to vote on all matters before a local council what is directory democracy
a crop used for making linen what is flax
a revolt by western Virginians What was Bacon's Rebelion
a revolt by a New York militia against a colonial authority what was Leisler's Rebellion
a group of armed citizens who come together during emergencies what is a militia
By 1750, the percentage of African Americans in the British colonies was about what is 20 percent
what was not an important colonial economic activity what was coal mining
what were important colonial economic activities what were fishing, shipbuilding, and lumbering
Puritans were the forerunners of todays what are Congregationalists
During the colonial period, representative assemblies exercised control over their governors by what is power of the purse
The region noted for town meetings was what is New England
Bacon's Rebellion was an armed uprising against the royal governor of what is virgina
The first public schools in the colonies were organized in what is Massachusetts
The first college founded in the 13 original colonies was what is Harvard
The Zenger trial was important because it strengthened colonial freedom of the press
the first lending library in the colonies was founded by who was Ben Franklin
confined colonial imports to British ships what were the Navigation Acts
lowered tax on molasses what was the Sugar Act
taxed printed matter and legal documents what was the Stamp Act
stated Parliament's authority over colonies what was the Declaratory Act
restated right to use writs of assistance what was the Townshend Acts
What were the causes of the French and Indian War 1. conflicting territorial claims by England and France 2. competition over fur trade 3. movement of Americans into the Ohio Valley
The Albany Plan of the Union was proposed by Who was Ben Franklin
The decisive event of the French and Indian War was what was the capture of Quebec
As a result of the French and Indian War, the western boundary of British territory in North America was fixed at what is the Mississippi River
after the French and Indian War, Britain decided to enforce its trade laws more strictly
The Stamp Act aroused heated opposition because it taxed articles that most colonists used
The British responded to the Stamp Act crisis by repealing the law
the colonists forced the British to repeal most of the Townshend taxes by what is boycotting English goods
colonists objected to the Tea Act of 1773 because it what is threatening to put colonial tea merchants our to business
the main reason for the First Continental Congres was to what is protection of colonial liberties
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