Gender and sexuality identity key concepts


A - Level Sociology (Identity ) Flashcards on Gender and sexuality identity key concepts , created by Yasmine King on 21/03/2017.
Yasmine King
Flashcards by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sex Refers to the biological differences between males and females
Gender Refers to the cultural classification of people as masculine and feminine. Societies set down expectations for males and females and people are encouraged to think, feel and act in a manner appropriate to their sex
Sexuality People's sexual characteristics and their sexual behaviour
Femininity Characteristics associated with being a women which has an effect on female behaviour, the characteristics can be negotiated and changed
Masculinity Characteristics associated with being a man which has an effect on masculine behaviour those characteristics can be negotiated and changed
Hegemonic Femininity The dominant/ traditional style of femininity with characteristics about being passive, subordinate and quiet
Hegemonic Masculinity The dominant/ traditional style of masculinity which stresses toughness, aggression
Passive Feminity Traditional ideas about how girls should behave being quiet,demure and submissive
Social Constructionism Shaped by society, behaviour made by or shaped by the social world
Biological Determinism Shaped by biological make up. ie gender
Instrumental Role Men as breadwinner and provider
Expressive Role The caring role that women take on looking after the home and children
Patriarchy A social system in which men have all the power
Lad Fashionable for young lads to drink larger, play football, have lots of sex and engage in loutish behaviour
Ladette The female version of the lad typically known for heavy drinking, loudness, sexual deviancy and anti-school attitudes
Assertive feminitity Feminine identity that subverts traditional and patriarchal expectations placed on girls and women
New Man Man shares domestic labour more equally
Crisis of masculinity The decline of traditional industry in the UK, this is key as previously men showed their masculinity through industrial work, which in its nature is masculine
Marginalised Masculinity A masculine identity held by those men who traditionally did masculine jobs and now feel their masculinity is under threat as many have now lost their jobs
Complicit Masculinity Connell- New man might be said to adopt, in taking on a shared role in the family
Subordinate Masculinity Masculine which are less powerful and carry lower status e.g a homosexual man
Hyper Masculinity Exaggeration of male stereotypical behaviour, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression and sexuality
Genderquake Shifting power from men to women in the 'post equality' generation
Horizontal Segregation The labour market is segregated so that men and women occupy specific areas in terms of types of jobs
Vertical Segregation The labour market is divided so that men occupy the top position in the workplace and women are clustered at the bottom of the hierarchy
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