C4 - Atoms and configuration


Electron Configuration and the periodic table.
Matt Peters
Flashcards by Matt Peters, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Peters
Created by Matt Peters almost 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electron configuration and the Periodic Table .
First Electron Shell Can only have 2 two electrons
Second Electron Shell Can hold 8 electrons
Third Electron Shell Can only hold 8 electrons also.
Can outer shells be filled if the inner shells are not? NO! The inner shells have to be full before the next shell can be used.
- This is neon electron - It has two shells - Neon can also be written as 2,8 - 2 electrons in the inner ring and 8 in the outer -If it had one more electron another shell would be needed. It is in group 8, we know this because there are 8 electrons in the outer shell
- This is a sodium atom - Sodium can be written 2,8,1 - It has 3 shells as the two inner shells are full meaning the remaining electron needs to be on the outside. -It is in group one, we know this because of the amount of electrons on the outer shell.
What does the horizontal row tell us about the configuration The horizontal row on the periodic table tells us how many rings there are needed to be in the atom.
Atoms with a full outer shell Atoms with a full outer shell are more stable, atoms need to either gain or loose electrons to do this.
Atoms in group one Atoms in group one aare all very reactive as they only need to loos one electron to get a full outer shell.
Electrons in orbit Electrons are held in orbit because of the positively charged nucleus pull on the negatively charged electron
What does it mean for the outer electron shell to be further from the nucleus? The atoms with more shells, tend to loose electrons more easily as the pull between nucleus and electrons is not as strong. Therefore they can be lost more easily.
What is a diatomic molecule A diatomic molecule is a pair of atoms.
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