Edexcel History A Gcse ~ USA 1919-1941


Flash cards for the Unit 2c USA topic for the edexcel History A gcse. It contains everything for the specification with numbers and details.
Kieran Elson
Flashcards by Kieran Elson, updated more than 1 year ago
Kieran Elson
Created by Kieran Elson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
During the 1920's what percentage of people lived just above the poverty line? Over 60%
Who was the baseball legend of the 1920's? Babe Ruth
Where were African Americans treated the worst? In the deep south
What states were the worst for African Americans? Mississippi and Alabama
What impact did the war have on the demand for American goods? The demand of goods increased
Which group of women were better off during the 1920's The middle class , as they had greater social freedom ~ wearing makeup and skirts
What was the 19th amendment? Women were able to vote
What was the key to the economic boom in the 20's There were numerous technological advancements ~ such as mass production - making products cheaper~ and there was an increase in demand
What was the most important industry in the 1920's , and what did it increase by in the years 1915 to 1928? The automobile industry , as in 1915 there were 3 million cars registered but in 1928 there was a massive 28 million cars registered .
What was Henry Ford's main idea to speed up production , and how did it work? The assembly line , which was operated in a line where one person or group would do one action and the car would move to the next station.
What did many Americans use to buy goods? Hire purchase , basically buying in multiple installments.
What was the anti-communist mood known as after the war? The red scare
What was the name of the building that welcomed many Immigrants to America? The statue of Liberty
What white supremacy organisation became more popular during the 1920's ? The Ku Klux Klan
What was the law bought in to limit immigration in 1921? The Emergency Quota act
What law was bought in during 1924 to further limit immigration? The national origins act
During the 1920s, how much money a year was spent on the construction of a national network of highways? $1 billion
Thanks to the increase in demand of the automobile industry which other industries increased? The automobile industry also caused other industries such as steel, rubber, leather and paint to grow rapidly.
What was isolationism? the republican government under President Harding (1921-3) and President Coolidge (1923-9) kept out of foreign affairs, and limited foreign competition by imposing high import tariffs.
What were the 5 causes of the boom? isolationism , technology , mass production , hire purchase and shares
Between 1919 and 1920 , what was the number of households with radios? 1919- 60 thousand 1920- 10 million
Why were farmers living rough during the 1920's and 30's? During the 1st world war , farmers were encouraged to make more and more crops ( they also borrowed money from the banks to buy more land and equipment) However after the war the demand dropped and they were producing much more than they were selling , farm labors were only earning $49 a month.
What were the four reasons prohibition was put in? National mood, it was practical, religious reasons and moral reasons.
Which report was made in 1929 to see if the prohibition was working? The Wikersham report
What month and year did the stock market crash? October 29th 1929
What season and year was the worst in the economic depression? Winter 1932
By 1932 roughly how many people were jobless ? upwards of 13 million
Name a location of a hooverville In st. Louis more than 1,000 people lived in shacks made of scrap metal and boxes
Between what amount of people went around the country trying to find work? Between 1 and 2 million people
What did a lot of signs say across the country about work? 'No men wanted'
What year and month did the country fully recover , and why? 1941 , because the USA entered world war 2 in December of that year
Name the 8 causes of the depression 1. Land prices fell in Florida 2. Too many goods made compared to being sold 3. Farmers were making too much food in the 20's so the prices went down dramatically 4. There were too many small banks , who couldn't cope with the amount of people trying to get their savings in the autumn of 29' 5.Too much speculation on the stock market 6. America tried to recall all the loans they gave to European countries , giving devastating effect on Europe. 7.The wall street crash had a devastating psychological effect on people. 8. The collapse of European banks caused a world wide financial crisis.
Discuss 6 effects of the depression 1. Unemployment - 13 million out of work 2.Industrial production went down 45% from 1929 to 32 3. house building fell by 80% from 1929 to 32 4. The entire american banking system fell 5.By 1929 to 32 5,000 banks collapsed 6. 110 people died of starvation during the depression.
Who won the 1932 election , and what party were they from? Franklin. D Roosevelt , who was from the democratic party
What was Roosevelt's solution to the crisis called? The New Deal
Name 3 things Roosevelt did to help people psychologically? 1. The inaugural speech reassured people - " the only thing you have to fear is fear itself" 2.Fireside chats 3. Stabilizing the banks - The emergency banking relief bill put banks under federal control.
Name 3 alphabet agencies and give a brief description of what they aimed to do 1. TVA ~ Tennessee valley authority ~ building dams , new town construction. 2.AAA ~ Agricultural adjustment act ~ reducing food production and raising prices. 3. CCC ~ Civilian conservation corps~ offered short term work for young men on conservation projects.
By 1934 how many people were still out of work? 11.3 million people
What was the second new deal? Emerged in 1935-1936 , made more radical and reform policies
Name and describe 3 second new deal policies .The Works Progress Administration - this agency employed people to build schools, hospitals and other public buildings. .The Rural Electrification Administration - this agency aimed to bring electricity to America's farms. .The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) - this act aimed to improve relations between workers and employers, especially as 1934 had seen a series of violent industrial disputes.
Name 3 reasons why people were against the new deal 1.Conservative opponents said that Roosevelt had spent too much government money 2.Huey Long , the governor of Louisiana made a ' share our wealth' campaign , in which people who had over $3 million would have to distribute their wealth. 3.Father Charles Coughlin - a Canadian priest - broadcast popular sermons on the CBS network, promising to nationalise the banks
Name 3 successes of the New Deal 1.Roosevelt restored confidence in the American people. 2.Millions of people were given work in government projects. 3.A lot of valuable work was carried out by the in building schools, roads and hospitals.
Name 3 failures of the New Deal 1.There was a new recession - the 'Roosevelt recession' in 1937. 2.Unemployment was not conquered by the New Deal. 3.Many of the jobs created by the New Deal were only temporary.
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