Education - Marxism


A level Sociology (Education) Flashcards on Education - Marxism, created by Abbie McGrath on 23/03/2017.
Abbie McGrath
Flashcards by Abbie McGrath, updated more than 1 year ago
Abbie McGrath
Created by Abbie McGrath almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ideological State Apparatus As claimed by Althusser, this is the way in which the education system controls our minds and trains us to be obedient Replaces the role religion once played Schools transmitt the ideology that capitalism in just and reasonable
Hidden Curriculum The messages transmitted by schools without being explictly taught Those who follow the rules are rewared, whilst those who don't conform are punished - teaches obedience School work prepares for the acceptance of menial tasks at work
Middle Class Habitus Bordieu refers to the fact that schools are middle class institutions, run by middle class people, in which middle class pupils succeed Education reproduces social class inequalities and passes on the culture of the ruling class to make it seem superior
Correspondence Principle Bowles and Gintis argue that there is a strong link between social relationships in the workplace and in education - school hierarchy mirrors that of the workplace No equality of opportunity - working class learn to accept their future role and place in society
Criticism of Marxism Postmodernists reject this view, claiming that education now reproduces diversity rather than inequality Too class based - ignores other factors for inequality such as gender and ethnicity
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