
Concursos Públicos Praticagem (COMUNICAÇÕES) Flashcards on CIS CapXII, created by Hegner Machado on 26/03/2017.
Hegner Machado
Flashcards by Hegner Machado, updated more than 1 year ago
Hegner Machado
Created by Hegner Machado almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Signal A with three numerals C with three numerals D with two, four or six numerals G with four or five numerals Meaning AZIMUTH or BEARING COURSE DATE LONGITUDE (the last two numerals denote minutes and the rest degrees)
Signal K with one numeral L with four numerals R with one or more numerals S with one or more numerals Meaning I wish to COMMUNICATE with you by. (Complements Table/) LATITUDE (the first two denote degrees and the rest minutes) DISTANCE in nautical miles SPEED in knots
Signal T with four numerals V with one or more numerals Z with one numeral Z with four numerals *LOCAL TIME *SPEED in kilometres per hour *To CALL or ADDRESS shore visual signal stations - by local port authority *UTC (the first two denote hours and the rest minutes)
Distress - emergency Abandon AA AB Repeat all after . . . Repeat all before . . .
AC AD AE * I am abandoning my vessel *I am abandon ing my vessel which has suffe red a nuclear accident and 1s a possible sou rce of radiation danger. *I must abandon my vessel
AE 1 AE 2 *I (or crew of vessel ind icated) wish to abandon my (or their) vessel. but have not the means. *I shall abandon my vessel unless you will remain by me, ready to assist.
AF AF 1 *I do not intend to abandon my vessel. *Do you intend to abandon your vessel?
AH AI *You should not abandon your vessel. *Vessel (indicated by position and/or name or identity signal if necessary) will have to be abandoned.
Assistance Required NC (Imp) CB (Imp) *I am in distress and require immediate assistance. *I require immediate assistance.
CB 1 CB 2 CB 3 *I require immediate assistance; I have a dangerous list. *I require immediate assistance; I have damaged steering gear. *I require immediate assistance; I have a serious
CB 4 CB 5 CB 6 I require immediate assistance; I am aground. I require immediate assistance; I am drifting. I require immediate assistance; I am on fire.
CB 7 CB 8 I require immediate assistance; I have sprung a leak. I require immediate assistance; propeller shaft is broken.
CC (Imp) v I am (or vessel indicated is) in distress in lat ... long .. . (orbearing ... from place indicated, distance ... ) and require immediate assistance (Complements Table 1;*, if required). I require assistance.
CD W I require assistance in the nature of ... (Complements Table ll). I require medical assistance
CE BF *I will attempt to obtain for you the assistance required. *Aircraft is ditched in position indicated and requires immediate assistance.
CG CG1 HM *Stand by to assist me (or vessel indicated). *I will stand by to assist you (or vessel indicated). *Survivors are in bad condition. Medical assistance is urgently required.
Cl CH CH 1 CH 2 *Vessel aground in lat ... long ... requires assistance. *Vessel indi cated is reported as requiring assistance in lat .. . long ... *Lightvessel (or lighthouse) indicated requires assistance. *Spaceship is down in lat . . . long . . . and requires immediate assistance.
CJ CJ 1 CJ 2 CJ 3 CJ 4 *Do you require assistance? *Do you require immediate assistance? *Do you require any further assistance? *What assistance do you require? *Can you proceed without assistance?
Not required - declined CK CL *Assistance is not (or is no longer) required by me (or vessel indicated). *offered assistance but it was declined.
Proceeding to assistance CP CP1 * CQ *I am (or vessel indicated is) proceeding to your assistance. *SAR aircraft is coming to your assistance. *Call for unknown station(s) or general call to all stations.
CR *CS *I am proceeding to the assistance of vessel/aircraft in distress in lat .. . long . . *What is the name or identity signal of your vessel (or station)!
CV 4 - Can you assist? *Can you offer assistance? *I shall abandon my vessel unless you will remain by me, ready to assist. *I cannot get the fire under control without assistance. *I can get the fire under control without assistance. TZ AE 2 IX 1 IY
*Can you get the fire under control without assistance! *I have placed the collision mat. I can proceed without assistance. *I cannot take you (or vessel indicated) in tow but I will report you and ask for immediate assistance. *I cannot steer without assistance. IY 1 KA 1 KN 1 PK
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