

gcse Science Flashcards on Science, created by Tomiwa Oko-Osi on 11/05/2013.
Tomiwa Oko-Osi
Flashcards by Tomiwa Oko-Osi, updated more than 1 year ago
Tomiwa Oko-Osi
Created by Tomiwa Oko-Osi over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is pollution? Pollution is where a pollutant damages the environment or living things whether it is natural or man made it occurs in air and water.
What causes acid rain? When sulphuric dioxide and carbon dioxide dissolve in rain water, the gases made naturally by... and by humans by...
How is co2 related to climate change and why are they global? Co2 is a greenhouse gas which some say is linked with global warming, too much Co2 means more reflecting of the suns heat so the earth's temp. increases. Causing weather changes, storms, ice caps melting, destroying food chains.
How is sulfur dioxide related to climate change? Large volcano eruptions + dust and So2 in air, spread pollutants around Northern hemisphere, So2 dissolved in water in the air -> tiny droplets of So2. Dropets reflect radiation from sun, less energy reach Earths surface. Crops fail- famine- death.
How can acid rain and climate change be reduced? Low sulfur fuels, sulphur precipitators, Catalytic convertors.
Why is pollution monitored? Because it can have a dramatic effect on living things and non-living things.
How is Pollution monitored? pH and chemicals-rainwater, Soot and solid particles- filter air, Amount of lichens which are sensitive to So2, no lichens lots of pollutants, monitor water quality- animals living in stream.water
What is the greenhouse effect? (Model)
What is the greenhouse effect? (explanation) The greenhouse effect is the warming affect of the atmosphere on earth. Tiny amounts of greenhouse gases (Co2, methane, water vapour) absorb some of Earth's infra-red radiation & reflect back to Earth
What is climate change/global warming? The increase in the Earth's average surface temperature, sometimes called climate change 'cos reduction in temperature in some places
What is the independent variable? The thing that I change...
What is the dependent variable? The thing I measure...
What is the controlled variable? The thing I keep the same...
Other arguments for global warming? A natural part of the Earth's atmosphere's evolutions, just like the increase in the amount of oxygen to current levels.
What is the effect of pH of the soil can affect the plant growth? Less growth in lower pH levels- more acidic conditions limit plant growth.
How air particulates affect sufferers? An increase in air particulate will increase the number and severity of asthmas sufferers as they can irritate the chest and lungs.
Problems with acid rain? -Metals and carbonate rocks like limestone and marble react faster with acid rain than with normal rainwater. -food chains- wildlife affected.
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