Bandura- Social learning theory


Flashcards on Bandura- Social learning theory, created by kayleighwatts16 on 12/05/2013.
Flashcards by kayleighwatts16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kayleighwatts16 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what was the theory based on? Studies bandura et al (1961, 63, 65)
What is it a development from? behaviourist thinking
what in particular is it? operant conditioning and reinforcement
who does the theory believe observe others? All idnivdiuals
Who does bandura feel in particular observe others? children
Why do we do this? we want to be like the person we are observing
How do we do this? We imitate their behaviours
When is this most likely to occur? when the person modelling the behaviour is seen to have a status
what kind of people have status? Parents, elders, popular friends, famous etc..
what happens if the behaviour is imitated? It is reinforced
What happens when the behaviour is reinforced? It is more likely to occur again the behaviour then becomes learned and acquired by the observer
When is the observed, imitation and reinforcement model seen clearly? in sport where aggression is present
Give an example .. Famous footballer who makes an unfair tackles, gets away without any caution. That 'idol' causes individuals to see the unfair tackle as a good thing and therefore perform the same thing
Give an example of non-aggressive sports imitation When Wayne Rooney goes down to tie his shoe lace once told by David Beckham - a method to avoid aggression that can be imitated by others playing the sport
What does the non-aggressive example show? that the social learning theory can teach individuals how to cope with aggression by observing role models in provoked situations who are controlled
How else does the theory state learning can occur? through observing consequences of aggressive behaviour
What happens if the consequences are favourable? the observer is more likely to adopt the behaviour
what is this type of learning known as? vicarious reinforcement
What does this theory go against? biological theories of aggression
What does the theory support? That aggression is learnt through social factors and can be avoided by controlling these factors
give a famous example of where aggression was shown in a sporting environment Zinedine Zidane - head butted a player - 2006 world cup final
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