

Quoets flash cards for revision
mia harvey
Flashcards by mia harvey, updated more than 1 year ago
mia harvey
Created by mia harvey over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"stars hide you're fires let not light see my black and deep desires"-Macbeth He knows what he is doing is wrong and orders the stars to hide his desires,him recognising them as bad deeds makes macbeth seem even worse.
"come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here"-lady macbeth she is a powerful courageous woman as she orders the spirits themselves to obey her, this contact with them is against the witchcraft act."unsex me here"shows she is willing to do whatever it takes to kill the king and associates violence with manliness.
"And fill from from the crown to the toe top full of direst cruelty make thick my blood.stop th'access and passage to remorse"-lady macbeth she wants to have her own supposed to be loving nature and rip it away to be replaced with cruelty.harsh allteration
"come to my womans breasts and take my milk for gall" This suggest her woman hood that are represented by symbols of nuture prevents her from performing horrid deeds, which she associates with manliness.
"he hath borne his facilities so weak"-macbeth(..)i am his kinsmen and his subject"-Macbeth here we see macbeth debating on to kill duncan the complete opposite to LM the praise and the loyalty he pledges remind everyone what a terrible thing it is to do to kill the king.
"Bloody instructions which be taught,return(..)to plague th'inventor"-macbeth foreshadows how the way his deeds will come back to haunt the two imagery
"i have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself and falls on th'other.-macbeth He realises that the only reason for committing murder is ambition a insufficient justification for it.The result of this vaulting ambition continues as the main theme in the play and serves as a cautionary tail to any who try to kill the king.
"whence that knocking-How ist it with me when every noise appals me?"-Macbeth After the murder macbeth is paranoid and the mysterious knocking seems to promise doom the person who is knocking is macduff who does kill macbeth.
"will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand"-Macbeth symbol imagery of blood-this shows is immediate intense guilt and the worry that his hands will always be stained with duncans blood.
Out dammed spot-out i say"-Lady macbeth She is seeing things a now mad woman a far cry from the once fearless hard woman-she iscompleatly undone by guilt and descends into madness.
"Hell is murky"-Lady macbeth implying she already knows what its like the pair have created their own hell where they are tormented by guilt and insanity.
"is a tale told by an idiot,full of sound and fury(..)signfying nothing" This dark pessimistic speech he states how life is meaningless or a reflection of what the play actually is.
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