Disorders of Adrenal Hormones (glucocorticoids and aldosterone)


under grad Clinical Endocrinology Flashcards on Disorders of Adrenal Hormones (glucocorticoids and aldosterone), created by Bhavi Mistry on 12/05/2013.
Bhavi Mistry
Flashcards by Bhavi Mistry, updated more than 1 year ago
Bhavi Mistry
Created by Bhavi Mistry over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cushing's syndrome Chronic glucocorticoid excess
Cushing's syndrome: signs Striae Buffalo hump Hyperglycaemia Hirsutism + Moon face Poor wound healing
Cushing's syndrome: causes Exogenous steroid use Disease (ACTH pituitary tumour, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia) Ectopic ACTH tumours Adrenocortical adenoma (ACTH independent)
Dexamethasone suppression test: If taken the night before should --> decrease in cortisol levels, but there's only partial suppression in cushing's. Dex suppression only occurs at high levels.
Adrenocortical deficiency Deficient production of glucocorticoids/mineralocorticoids
Addison's disease Destruction of adrenal cortex Primary adrenocortical deficiency Low mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
Deficient pituitary ACTH Secondary adrenocortical deficiency Mineralocorticoids normal Glucocorticoids low
Addison's disease symptoms: Weakness and fatigue anorexia Buccal hyperpigmentation Salt craving Amenorrhea, less armpit hair
Therapeutic use of glucocorticoids Replacement therapy (Addison's) Inflammatory disease Neoplastic disease Immunosuppression
Consequences of exogenous steroid use Suppression of HPA axis and atrophy of adrenal cortex
Conn's syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism) Hypokalaemia Hypertension Weakness and fatigue Headache Low plasma renin and high aldosterone
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