Viral, Fungal, Bacterial and Protist Diseases


GCSE Biology Flashcards on Viral, Fungal, Bacterial and Protist Diseases, created by Antonia Rout on 22/04/2017.
Antonia Rout
Flashcards by Antonia Rout, updated more than 1 year ago
Antonia Rout
Created by Antonia Rout over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Viral Disease - Measles Spread - air droplet transmission Symptoms - Red skin rash and fever Most people are vaccinated against measles when they are young. Measles can be serious if there are complications e.g. it can lead to pneumonia or a brain infection call encephalitis.
Viral Disease - HIV Spread - Sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids (can happen if people share needles). Symptoms - Initially flu-systems for a few weeks. HIV attacks the immune system. If the immune system is badly damaged it cannot cope with other infections or cancers. This is late stage HIV infection or AIDs.
Viral Disease - Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) A virus that affects many types of plants e.g. tomatoes. Symptoms - mosaic pattern on leaves of the plants and parts of the leaves become discoloured. Discolouration means that the plant cannot carry out photosynthesis so the virus affects growth.
Fungal disease - Rose black spot Symptoms - Purple or black spots develop on leaves of rose plants. Leaves then turn yellow and drop off. This means that less photosynthesis can happen so the plant doesn't grow as well. Spread - environment in water or wind Treatment - Gardeners can treat the disease with fungicides and by stripping the plant of its affected leaves. The leaves then need to be destroyed.
Disease caused by a Protist - Malaria Spread - Mosquitoes act as vectors picking up the malarial protist when they feed on an infected animal. The mosquitoes then feed on other animals and insert the protist into the animal's blood vessels. Symptoms - Repeating episodes of fever which can be fatal. Preventing the spread - Stopping mosquitoes from breeding, or using insecticides and mosquito nets.
Bacterial Disease - Salmonella that causes food poisoning Symptoms - Fever, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea Spread - Eating food contaminated with salmonella bacteria e.g. chicken that caught the disease whilst it was alive, or eating food prepared in unhygienic conditions. Prevention - Vaccinate poultry against salmonella, and make sure food is properly cooked and prepared in hygienic conditions.
Bacterial disease - Gonorrhoea Spread - Sexual contact e.g. unprotected sex Symptoms - Pain when urinating, thick yellow or green discharge from vagina or penis. Treatment - Initially treated with antibiotic penicillin, but this is trickier since strains of bacteria have become resistant. Prevention - Use barrier methods of contraception.
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