

david doran
Flashcards by david doran, updated more than 1 year ago
david doran
Created by david doran over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant by centre of mass ? The centre of mass of an object is that point at which the mass of the object may be thought to be concentrated.
Describe how to find the centre of mass of a thin, irregular sheet of a material 1. suspend the thin sheet from a pin held in a clamp stand. 2. when it comes to rest, hang a plumbline from the same pin 3. mark the position of the plumblime against the sheet 4. hang the sheet with the in at another point and repeat 5. the centre of mass is where the lines that marked the position of the plumblime cross
How do you find the centre of mass of a symmetrical object ? the centre of mass of a symmetrical object is along the axis of symmetry
State the units for the below equation T is periodic time in seconds, s f is frequency in hertz, H
What does the time period of a pendulum depend on ? The time period depends on the length of a pendulum.
state 2 applications of pendulums fairground and playground rides
what is a moment ? The turning effect of a force is called the moment.
state the units for the below equation: The size of the moment is given by the equation: M = F  x d M is the moment of the force in newton-metres, Nm F is the force in newtons, N d is the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot in metres, m
What must be the case if an object is not turning ? If an object is not turning, the total clockwise moment must be exactly balanced by the total anticlockwise moment about any pivot.
Explain why an object topples If the line of action of the weight of an object lies outside the base of the object there will be a resultant moment and the body will tend to topple
explain how a simple lever works for any particular force , making the distance to the pivot bigger will make the moment bigger so levers act as force multiplies
how could you make something more stable and less likely to topple 1. make the base wider 2. lower the centre of mass
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