Nazi Germany Quiz 1932-1934


Year 9 History Flashcards on Nazi Germany Quiz 1932-1934, created by Alex Doyle on 07/05/2017.
Alex Doyle
Flashcards by Alex Doyle, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by millieprice7 over 11 years ago
Alex Doyle
Copied by Alex Doyle almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was appointed Chancellor after the July 1932 elections? Von Papen (a rich Catholic nobleman)
What happened to the Nazis vote in the November 1932 election? it decreased. Seats in the Reichstag dropped to 196.
Who appointed Chancellors in the Weimar Republic? President Hindenburg (former army leader)
Hitler was appointed Chancellor because of a power struggle between which two men? Von papen and Von Schleider (Von Schleider was a General and a former army leader)
When did Hitler become Chancellor? January 1933
When was the Reichstag Fire? February 1933
Which party did Hitler blame for starting the Reichstag Fire? The Communists
How many leaders of this party were arrested and imprisoned? 4000
What did the Emergency Decree, passed after the Reichstag Fire, enable police to do? Hitler could get the police could search any house, confiscate property and arrest anyone without giving them a trial
How long did the Emergency Decree stay in place for? 12 years
Did the Nazis win overall majority in the March 1933 elections? No, he needed 92 more votes for the Nazis to take over.
When was the Enabling Act passed? March 1933
What important power did the Enabling Act give Hitler? He was able to pass any law he wanted to.
What did Hitler ban in May 1933? Trade Unions
What did the law against the New Formation of Parties do? It banned any new parties from forming.
Between which two organisations did Hitler decide he had to make a choice in 1934? The SA and the Army (He killed Ernst Rohm, the SA leader, at the night of the long knives)
Who was the leader of the SA? Ernst Rohm
What did 30th June 1934 become best known as? The Night of the Long Knives
When President Hindenburg died in August 1934 what did Hitler declare himself? President
What is the German for 'leader' which Hitler called himself? Fuhrer
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