English Creative Writing


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Millie Peters Hearn
Flashcards by Millie Peters Hearn, updated more than 1 year ago
Millie Peters Hearn
Created by Millie Peters Hearn almost 8 years ago

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Question Answer
English Creative Writing! This is my speciality! So, here I will write a piece of descriptive/ narrative and you have to comment and give me improvement techniques!
The boy drew in a sharp breath as muggy light filtered through the rough blanket covering his body. Stillness flooded the crisp winter air. The boy jerked his head back, staring into the darkness in the faint hope that, for the first time in his life, it would brighten and reveal what he had lingered under his entire life: the cold stone wall of a back alley. The boy's rough Hessian sack cut into his delicate skin. Surprisingly delicate for a boy of the streets. The calm of the hard winter morning broke the mould and the boy struggled upright, breathing sharply. His blind grey eyes wavered over the unhealthy clammy heat of his little crevice.
Then there came a noise. The light, spiritual trickle of coins rattling against stone. The boy surged upright, feeling chill creep lethargically into his bones. He extended a long-fingered hand and felt for the cold metal touch of the coins, curling his fingers around them with a light feeling in his heart. The eyes of a man grazed his cheek. A voice called out a warm welcome. The boy nodded absently, his hands clutched tight around his takings. He felt for the symbol on the upturned side. A shilling! The boy gasped in astonishment as the clear noise of money rattled against stone again. He never earned this much in a day! Breathing softly, the boy scooped the coins up and shrank back into the alley to avoid the sharp rap of cane.
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